She Stabbed me?

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*Tom pov*

I was holding her bloody body. I can't believe i did that... the nurses took her into a room. "You can not come in the room . I will tell you when you can." The nurse said I sat down right next to her room. I took out my phone and texted Bill.

"Bill!You need to come to the hospital now!" I texted him

"What, why!? what happened?" Bill replied

"Lu is in the hospital!" I texted

"What how?!" Bill replied

"Someone stabbed her 20 times!Hurry," I texted

"Okay, I'm coming! I will see you there, " Bill replied

I put my phone down and sighed. I felt so bad for Lu. I wonder who did it...

5 hours passed by one of the nurses woke me up. "You can go in the room," the nurse said, smiling I stood up and went into the room I saw lu in pain I saw her tears I came up to her "Lu are you okay?" I said "Yea I'm fine." Lu said
"I'm sorry that happened to you." I said
"I can't even remember what happened a little bit," Lu said. "Do you know you stabbed you?" I said "No I can't really remember someone hitted me on the head really bad, and I got dizzy." Lu said,"Do you know you she or he looked like?" I said "yea she had red highlights, " Lu said.

"Omg..." I whispered "Huh what?" Lu said,"It's nothing, " I said

Bill busted thru the room. "What the hell, Bill, you came 5 hours late!?" I said,"I'm sorry!mom said she needed help with work at the last minute. I'm sorry, Tom, " Bill said. Bill ran up to me "Omg Lu are you okay?" Bill said "yea" Lu said "Who did this to you!?I will beat there fucking ass" Bill said "I don't know I can't really remember" Lu said

"Bill come over here" I whispered Bill came too me "Huh what happened?" Bill whispered."Isabella did this her own best friend, " I whispered "What the fuck!?" Bill yelled "Huh what happened??" Lu said "it nothing lu sorry" I said

"That fucking bitch." Bill said "Bill it's fine we can just-" I said but Bill interrupt me "No the fuck?I'm going to beat the shit out of her." Bill said "No don't bill" I said "I don't give a fuck Tom I'm beating the shit out of her." Bill said "What Isabella did this to me?..." Lu said

I look at lu "Yes she did I'm sorry" I said "What the fuck that fucking bitch ass pick me!?" Lu said "watch when I'm healed I will beat the shit out of her just watch" Lu said "No lu don't do that" I said "I'm with bill" Lu said "Oh my fucking gosh fine!Where going to beat the shit out of her." I said.

The nurse came into the room. I sat on the chair. "Hey lu, how are you doing?" The nurse said "Fine" Lu said,"So we have good news and bad news." The nurse said,"I want the bad news, " Lu said."The bad news is that you got stabbed really bad, and you broke a rib, and you will have trouble breathing, so you're going to have to do surgery," the nurse said "Oh what's the good news" Lu said "The good news that your going to have surgery tomorrow and your gonna heal in five days" The nurse said "Oh okay" Lu said "I will come check on you in a bit okay?" The nurse said "Ok" Lu said

"Huh, you're not scared. You're going to have trouble breathing?" Bill said "No I broke a rib when I was five, " Lu said

Bill nodded his head.

*Lu pov*

It's the next day today. I got the surgery for my rib. I'm kinda scared because it has been a long time since the last time I went into surgery, The nurse came into the room. "Hi lu, how are you feeling?" The nurse said "Fine just kinda scared. " I said,"It's okay. Nothing will happen. you're going to be fine." The nurse said while taking my bed to the surgery room
When we made it to the room, the surgeon looked at me with a big smile on her face. "Hi Lu, I'm Mrs Vicky. I'm going to be your surgeon!How are you feeling?" Mrs Vicky said,"I'm doing good, just a little pain, " I said."That's good then before, " Mrs Vicky said while putting on her gloves and mask.

The nurses moved me into the surgeon bed "Okay this will make you go to sleep, okay?it's not going to hurt. I'm going to count on three, " Mrs Vicky said, holding the mask."Okay.." I said




She put the mask on my face. I started getting dizzy and sleepy.

"It's going to be okay,"

That's the last thing I heard before falling asleep.

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