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Reich pov

I have been waiting for 4 months now to be adopted but most people think I'm to ugly or should not be Alive in the first place which hurts my feelings it been a week now today is Monday the store opens about 9am when the store open I see a man who is my enemy ussr then he see me then,he walked up to me then started to hiss at him because I am sacred if what will he do to me then " i would like to adopted this naga please" said ussr. I didn't know why he wanted to adopted me now I was scared of him when the worker took me out of my cage a
And placed me on the ground,while ussr was signing the adoption paper then a Karen and her kids came to a store,the kids said mommy we want the naga then she said I would like to buy her please and thank you but the worker said I'm sorry but the naga is a boy and it's all ready adopted by this man you will have to ask him for his pet I'm sorry then one of her kids started to pull my tail then I started to hiss in pain then I tried to get on ussr but the kids kept pulling on my tail to making me go with them and I kept hissing in pain the,ussr said woman can you please tell your kids to stop pulling my pet tail he is hissing in pain but the Karen said she's not your pet she is are pet and we are waiting for the adoption papers for her not even telling her kids to stop pulling my tail then ussr scared the kids and I was able to get coil his neck then the Karen said I want that naga and she is a she and want her for my kids so sale me that naga  then ussr said no he is my pet get your own. then we left we walked to his house I had a feeling we here beginning followed them I look back to see the Karen from the store and her kids following us I singled ussr that we where being followed he told my he will call the cops where going to do to me ussr called to his house and told his servantsto lock every door and window as fast as possible because we where being followed by Karen and her kids to try to take me away and he told them not the front door because he will lock it when we got home ussr ran inside and lock the door so fast then the Karen Started to bang on the door even Pek though the window to get a better look then ussr called the police and told them that a crazy Karen trid to break in his house and tried to take me away from him but it failed when ussr was done with the police he picked me up and walked towards his room then we where in his room he place me down then left and locked to door and deal with the karen I started to shack uncontrollably it was because both of the Karen kids came in the house and ran up stairs to ussr room then they started to bang on the door and kept yelling at us to give there pet naga back but luckily the cops arrived and they heard both side then cops and picked me up and brought me down stairs and the cops said let me go to the person who is my real owner because ussr left the adoption papers in his car and he is not allowed to go get them I was placed between Karen and her kids and ussr and the Karen and her kids kept calling me princess then I snapped yelled at them I said listen lady I'm a male and my name is third Reich and I'm a German and your not my owner when you asked ussr if he can give me to you but he said no and he asked you tell your kids to stop pulling my tail and I was in pain you just let them pull, but you just said nothing to your kids then ussr had to get them off because they where hitting me and you followed us here broke into his home and lied about me being your pet I'm not.i don't think you should own pets if you let your kids abuse them,I then I decided to turn my tail into legs which I did and i do have pants on the the Karen her kids and the cops where shocked to see me in legs even ussr and the servants where all so shocked one the cops asked if I was really third Reich and Germany then I replied in German, ich komme aus dem Dritten Reich und bin Deutscher (yes i'm third reich and is a German) then I turned back into a naga and slithered to USSR then the cops asked to praise charges on the Karen and he said yes he want the Karen and her kids to never be close to him or me and he wants to never see her on his property ever and for how long you may asked for every then the Karen and her kids left the cops apologize to USSR he said it was fine then the cops left

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