A Little Vanilla

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Ichigo locked his phone. He wondered if Orihime would know anything. Still, in his soul reaper uniform, he jumps out the window.

Orihime brushed her hair up and wrapped herself in her bath towel. "Nothing beats a late-night soak" Opening the door into her bedroom she freezes seeing Ichigo on her bed.

"O-Orihime?" Ichigo quickly scans her.
Both their faces go red.
"I-I'll leave! I didn't mean to-" he gets up frantically opening the window.
"Wait!" Her arms hold him from behind.
She felt tingles shoot across her skin from his low voice.

Ichigo gulped not knowing what he should do.

"Stay- for a bit" she muffled against his back.
Ichigo's shoulders relaxed as he let out a sigh. "Okay"

"Stay like that while I change" she spoke. Ichigo blushed further hearing her towel hit the floor. She shuffled against the floorboards and her reflection in the long mirror placed against the wall caught his eye.

He could see her slender shoulders and back. He knew if he looked anymore it would be dangerous for him. He focused on her bed, he wouldn't want to see anything she didn't want him to. He thought about this situation with you and how this would go. He could only imagine how beautiful you would look and how tempting it would be to touch you.

You, standing before him naked with only a towel on... *slap* Ichigo slapped the thoughts out of his head. He didn't want to become too excited, especially with Orihime here.

"Ichigo?" Her head turned back.
"Sorry, my thoughts were- never mind" he faced her.  Orihime went to sit on her bed "We haven't really spoken since the trip?"
Ichigo joined her "I guess your right" he never really thought about it.

"There's something you need to tell me right?" she asks.
"Right- um - it's about Uryu and Tatsuki"
"Are they hurt?!"
"No- I have a feeling they're more than friends"
"Just a theory I have. I was hoping you would know something?"
"She hasn't told me anything" her eyes cascading down to her hands. If this were true why would Tatsuki hide that from her? Aren't they best friends?

"Don't mention any of this to Tatsuki. I'll let you get some rest Orihime, see you tomorrow" Ichigo got up to leave but she held onto his arm pulling him down softly on the bed.

"I think we should support them if they are" she hovered over him.  The air was still as she stared down at him.
"I think so too- is there something you want to say?" He could see there was something bothering her.

"Thank you" she bit her lip.
"Hime?" Ichigo held her waist causing her skin to heat up. Orihime leans down on his chest. His heartbeat was soothing. "You're always by my side Ichigo"
"Always will be" he held her close to him.
"You say that but- things change"
"Nothing will change"
"It already has" her voice against his neck "You'll leave me and I'll be alone again"

"Don't say that- you know how much I care about you-"
Orihime faces him her eyes wide.

Maybe he shouldn't have said that.

"We all care about you Orihime" he corrected himself.

Next day - School

"In love with two girls?" The thought really annoyed Ichigo. Why did Tatsuki have to say that? Now he couldn't stop thinking about it.

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