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The sound of the heart monitor shifted from its normal, calm beats to a solid, steady sound. A droning noise that touches the bones and shakes you to your core. Everyone knows what that sound means. The straight, red line, as well as the noise, indicated to Kodiak that his worst nightmare was now here. A life for a life, I suppose.

Nurses rushed into the room, but it was all a blur for the shocked and grieving husband. Bodies in scrubs ran past him, around the bed holding the dead. Blank-faced, he stood up. He walked to the door, turning to look at his wife's lifeless face one last time. Her red hair, sweaty and knotted, lay across the pillow and all over her face. With sorrow-filled eyes, the man headed down the hall and walked coolly into the hospital nursery. The third crib from the door held his child, the child with fire-red hair. He checked the name tag before carefully picking up the little girl. Not a single nurse, doctor, nor bystander tried to stop him as he treaded out of the building, a somber march towards the beyond.

They bowed their heads as he passed with the child of red, the new hub.

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