Art Teacher

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The schools were rebuilt within four weeks and that meant Alex and her siblings could go back to school. Alex had been sneaking over to Loki's place for their lessons after her dad showed them the Undo Dust, it reverses a spell when a wizard forgets how to reverse a spell. She told Loki that she would be going back to her normal school, but she let him know that she'll come over after school. Loki understood Alex and told her not to worry they'll pick up on their lesson after she is done with classes. Alex hated going to the same school as Justin because people always compare her to him.

She had mediocre grades in almost every single class and her teachers didn't even like her because she would slack off in class. Alex only did all that because people expect her to be just like Justin and have the answer right away. Alex wasn't as dumb as people think she is, she is smart, but Justin always put her down for being reckless and lazy. The only class she really liked and did great in was art class. It was her escape from the real world and her family; she even created a journal world where she can escape too. Art is the one good thing that she was great at, and she wasn't going to let Justin take that away.

She was in art class painting what looked like circles of mixed paint for her paint tray. Her teacher, Ms. Majorhealey loved her artwork and even used her as an example for the other students to be more spontaneous. Just then TJ, another teen wizard mocked the poor teacher and he said that everyone should ditch the class and go watch the football team learn how to read. The bell rang for the next class, but Ms. Majorhealey gave TJ a detention slip as an assignment. Alex laughed and called Ms. Majorhealey her favorite teacher, she even asked Alex to help clean the classroom.

Alex secretly used magic to clean out the classroom, but Ms. Majorhealey got a little suspicious, but Alex came out with a quick lie then left. Alex made it through the rest of her classes then she went over to Loki's place for her lessons just like she promised. She even brought some of her paint supplies over to his place to work on an art project. Loki saw some of Alex's artwork and he was impressed with her talent. "Thanks. It's the only class I'm passing and where no one compares me to my brother, Justin." Alex stated.

Loki offered to tutor her for her schoolwork as well, but Alex told him that it was fine. Loki then used his magic to summon some special art supplies that were his. Loki had a thing with art, and he used to paint whenever he could. He and Alex started painting on their own canvases and they started talking about their favorite things to draw and paint. As soon as they were done with their paintings, Loki taught Alex a spell that made the paintings come to life. Alex was loving how the painting would come alive and the two could enter the paintings and get more spells learned.

But all good things come to an end, Alex's art teacher showed up at her house claiming that Alex was a wizard. Ms. Majorhealey revealed that she was a sixteen-year-old girl that had dated TJ over the summer, it didn't end well, and TJ used magic to turn her into a forty-year-old woman. Both Alex and Harper were shocked to learn what TJ had done, so Alex told her teacher that she'll get the undo dust from her lair and see if she was telling the truth. She snuck into the lair and grabbed the undo dust without her dad seeing her, thankfully he was busy watching bull riding to even notice.

When Alex sprinkled the dust over Miss Majorhealey; she was indeed a sixteen year old girl. She squealed in delight as she looked in the mirror. Alex told her not to reveal that she was a wizard and Miss Majorhealey promised before squealing and running around the room chanting, I'm back. "I think I know why TJ broke up with her." Harper said to Alex.

The next day at school something bad happened, Alex's principal Mr. Laritate wanted her to spend the news that art class was canceled. When she asked why it was because Miss Majorhealey had texted in her resignation. She asked Mr. Laritate if he could just find a replacement but he wasn't going to. Alex had to pretend that she was fine with it but when she got to Loki's place, she started ranting about her art teacher to him. She thought she did the right thing but that only led to getting her favorite class canceled. Loki offered to be Alex's new art teacher.

"Oh, you don't have to." Alex said.

"Well, I was looking for something to do here on Midgard. And I think this will be perfect." Loki explained.

Alex thought about it then she agreed to let him come to the school under a false name and talk to Mr. Laritate. They rushed down to the school and thankfully, Mr. Laritate was still in his office. Alex told Mr. Laritate that she found an art teacher to teach the class; Mr. Laritate was so impressed with her passion for art that he was willing to meet this new teacher. Loki came into the office under an illusion with fake documents that looked real. Mr. Laritate looked over the documents and then asked Loki a few questions before telling him that he'll start the job on Monday.

Loki thanked Mr. Laritate and even Alex as well. Mr. Laritate even assigned Alex to be Loki's deputy for the class. She already knew what her first job will be, having TJ sent to detention.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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