Wandless Magic

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After the battle of New York was over, the people of New York were mourning the loss of their loved ones and praising the Avengers for saving them. Schools and other buildings were under repairs and cleanup from the battle. In the wizard lair of the Russo family, Jerry was giving a lesson on the different types of magical beings besides wizards. Alex was invested in her dad's lesson for once and not trying to talk her way out of the lesson. Jerry then switched from talking about the wizard world to the other eight realms. Alex took a few notes on each realm; she planned on asking Loki if he ever left Asgard before.

Jerry looked at Alex who was writing down the notes from the lesson. He looked completely confused since Alex never did that. "Alex, are you feeling, ok?" Jerry asked.

"Yes. I'm fine. I'm just interested in the lesson." Alex answered.

Justin just rolled his eyes thinking that this was just a trick to get out of the lesson. But by the end of it, Alex was still in her seat. As soon as the lesson was over, Alex asked her dad if she could go over to Harper's. Jerry just stammered out an ok then she left the house. She made sure no one followed her before turning down an alleyway then teleported to Loki's apartment. When she got there, she noticed that Loki had changed to old and run down space into something more livable.

Loki came out into the living room wearing Midgardian clothes. "Ok you have got to teach me how you did all this." Alex stated.

"I see someone is eager for their lesson," said Loki.

Alex made sure that her wand was in her hand, but Loki told her that she would not need it for the lesson. The lesson is on wandless magic and a few defensive spells in case Alex needed to defend herself. Learning wandless magic wasn't easy; Alex was certain that she couldn't do a single spell wandless. But Loki encouraged her to keep trying and even showed her tricks that would help. Alex started getting the hang of wandless magic and she was actually enjoying her lesson without sneaking out of them.

Alex was so proud of herself doing magic without making any mistakes with the spells or being ridiculed by Justin. She was about to head back to her house, but Loki offered to make her lunch before she decided to go. "I thought you were a prince. I thought you had servants to cook and serve you." Alex stated.

"I'm not the spoiled prince. That's mostly Thor. I learned how to cook." Loki explained.

"Really? Because in most of the myths I've heard from you and Thor were both spoiled. Along with the fact that you had a horse, a snake, and a wolf as your children." Alex spoke.

Loki almost choked on his own spit hearing what Alex said. He told her that all those stories were false; humans like to make up myths and legends about the gods which sometimes annoys Loki. Alex and Loki made sandwiches together, real sandwiches and not like the ones her father makes. Loki shared stories about his time on Midgard years ago along with some stories about his childhood in Asgard. Alex was fascinated with Loki's stories which was a first because she never paid attention in school.

Alex saw the time and realized that she was gonna be late for her shift at the substation. She quickly grabbed her stuff then used her powers to transport herself back to her room. She ran downstairs just in time for her shift. Justin got a little concerned with Alex's behavior during their wizard lesson, which made him think that Alex might try to win the Wizard Competition. He got even more suspicious of Alex when she stayed for almost her whole shift. The final straw came when three people walked into the substation, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, and Natasha Romanoff.

Justin ran to Jerry and Thresa to ask them if he could serve the Avengers and maybe show Tony Stark some of his robots. Jerry already had Alex handle them and that made Justin burn with jealousy. Alex took their orders then she went to grab the drinks. She was walking over to them when she somehow tripped and ended up spilling the drinks all over both Tony and Steve. Alex apologized so many times, but Justin pulled her away from them. Jerry scolded Alex for her stunt; she tried to tell him that it was an accident, but he wasn't hearing it.

"I swear I don't know what happened. Can't we just give them their lunch for free and new drinks too?" Alex suggested.

"Yeah no. Tony Stark could sue us! A free lunch will not help." Justin complained.

Jerry told Justin to give the Avengers their sandwiches then he grounded Alex for causing the mess with the Avengers. As Alex walked up the stairs, she saw Justin smirking at her before heading towards the Avengers table. That made Alex realize that Justin used magic to make her trip on purpose. She marched into her room then slammed the door hard.  Alex hated how Justin got her in trouble. She wanted to tell her parents, but they wouldn't believe that their perfect prissy Justin would cause trouble.

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