File 4: R-004 "Disrepair/Hitman Rose"

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Name: Ruby Amelia Rose

Alias: Disrepair

Career: Hitman/ Bounty Hunter under employment of the Republic of Solitas [Hired by Willow ATM]

Eye color: Silver

Hair Color: Black with Red and White tips

- Killed Roman Torchwick

- Survived months of Severe Torture

- Killed General James Ironwood

- Topped the Kingdom of Atlas in the span of 48 Hours

- Killed Major Crime Families in Atlas

- Successfully Crippled Both Atlas and White Fang manpower

List of Previous Hires:

- Gary [Redacted] (Killed their Wife's killer) [Awarded with Job as a Hitman]

- Some unknown Hires, potentially crime lords or politicians

- Selena Belladonna (Assisted in the Fall of Atlas in the side of the Socialist Faunus Party) [Awarded Government Contract and payed in 50,000 Lien]

-  Willow Schnee (Assassinate Jacques Schnee) [Currently Underway]


- Neapolitan: (Second Hand and Potential love interest)

- Hatsune Miku: ("Little" Sister)  [rescued from atlas laboratory]

- Yang Xiao-Long: Step Sister, Former Teammate [Pending Bounty]

- Weiss Schnee:  Former Teammate [Pending Bounty]

- Blake Belladonna: Former Teammate [Pending Bounty]

- Jaune Arc: Former Friend , Leader of Team JNPR [Pending Bounty]

- Nora Valkyrie: Former Friend [Pending Bounty]

- Pyrrha Nikos: Former Friend [Pending Bounty]

- Lie Ren: Former Friend [Pending Bounty]

-Willow Schnee: Mother Figure and Current Employer

-Gary [Redacted] : Job Hunter and personal Contract Advisor

- Selena Belladonna: President of the Republic of Solitas, Best Friend

- Summer Rose: Alive Mother


The Events that led to Ruby Getting into Beacon as the same, However when she got into Beacon thing start to turn for the worse.

Her own teammates and Friends starting talking about  how she is nothin but a child, didn't Belong at Beacon, Even her own sister started talk bad behind her back.

Well that's was until she caught them in the act and was so heartbroken that she ran away from Beacon the same night with nothing but the Clothes on her back and Crescent Rose.

R-004 ran into the Emerald forest where she ran into a old woman who lived in a small cabin. R-004 Stayed with the woman for the night but was forced to leave the next day when White fang arrived and burned the Cabin down with the Old woman and Crescent Rose inside.

R-004 arrived in Vale but was Captured and Tortured by Roman Torchwick for the span of 4 Months. Neapolitan soon freed R-004 after being fed of up of Roman's inhumane treatment of R-004 a lot with Breaking his Promise to Her. The Two soon escaped and bought a apartment where R-004 Embraced the Persona of Disrepair and met Gary to Become a Full Fledge Hitman.

After attacking Major White Fang base which resulted in Cinder's Beacon Plot being postponed for the time being and Torchwick's Death. R-004 took a Job from a Faunus Rebel in Atlas that wabre to liberate the Faunus and Humans from the evil of atlas. (Did I also mention that they were Socialist Rebels)

In the span of 48 Hours R-004 along with a team of other underworld Professionals performed a string of Minor and Major Assassinations which went from a Shooting up of a Building filled with Recruits from both The Fang and Atlas, Assassinating a Noble Daughter who was with her True Love (the Daughters Lover), To Assassinating James Ironwood his own Academy. Soon the Rebellion began and Won with little resistance from Atlas due to it being crippled by R-004 and her Gang.

R-004 soon accepted a Job from Willow Schnee who wanted Jacques Schnee dead in order for her to Take over the Schnee Dust Company and implement Changes to Fix the SDC from being a Cutthroat Business to the Original Vision Willow's Father imagined it to be. R-004 is Currently working on the Job as of this Update on the File.

End of File.....

In a Dark Room with a Terminal displaying the File.

Two figures finish reading the File with different outlooks

One feel slightly upset and somber while the Other feels Intrigued and Curious

Soon the silence is broken by the Intrigued one who said with a sinister smile
"How very Interesting, Such Knowledge"

The Two the proceed with the next And Final File in the Section.


A/N: sorry for the late update, Writers Block is a Bitch
Anyways I decided that the Section will only have 5 Files  but mores sections will come with potentially more files and Maybe a Story in aswell if I can find some help in Writing it

After the "Last" Chapter i will start Taking any Suggestions from readers for Future files and probably make a discord for it

Anyways that all I got, see you next chapter

May the Rose Bloom Eternal,


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