Chapter Seven: Finding Solace

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Shock exploded inside of me at this turn of events. This kind of pairing rarely occurred. Too much familiarity could ruin a Choosing; the less there was, the better in the eyes of the Choice Centres. When I had been given the names of my Choices, I had never known either West or Josh. They were simply names, names that held curiosity and a little fear.

When I had met them, I had been interested. Then as the booster injections given to me by the Choice Centres had kicked in... I had started to fall. Desperately and furiously. To be honest, I had never stood a chance. Now, Zach had been struck dumb, Bonnie was teetering on the edge of a breakdown and all I could do was wonder if my Choices had turned out differently.

"But you won't have to make the Choice," I told Bonnie reassuringly, though even to my ears, the words sounded hollow. "You won't have to decide on anything."

She looked at me, her blond hair hanging just over her eyes. I could see tears glistening in those green eyes of hers. "And you think that makes anything better?"

Before I could try and actually help her, Bonnie stood up abruptly, her chair flipping over backwards. Not even sparing it a backwards glance, she fled Charlotte's Cafe, the faint sound of the bell tinkling as she ripped herself through the gate.

Zach sighed, lowering his head onto his hands. I reached out a hand and placed it comfortingly on his shoulder, hoping I could give him at least solace.

"She'll come 'round," I said gently. "It was just the shock."

"I never thought it would be like this," Zach replied, raising his head and dropping his hands to the table. "I thought I would be paired with a girl I barely knew, but could grow to love. That maybe, just maybe, I would be Chosen- not because of science, but because she loved me too."

"And maybe Bonnie will love you," I said earnestly. "But you know how hard a transition this will be. First, they'll give you the injections and you won't even be able to help loving her, just as she won't even be able to help loving you."

"Is that how it is with you and Josh?" he asked me. "Love governed and created by science?"

"I never had my injections," I admitted. "I was going to have them soon, but when they found out, I was banished before they could do the procedure."

"I don't want that." Zach shook his head fiercely. "I won't let them make me into some kind of science project. Anything I feel... I want it to bereal."

"It is," I countered him. "The drugs they use, it only brings out what's already there. Makes you aware of chemical attraction. It doesn't fake anything."

"Right," he said, though his voice was sour. "Look, Natalia, I... I need to get my head round this. Do you think- could you take Bonnie to your place?"

"With my dad?" I stated, raising an eyebrow. "Only if she was knocked out."

"Damn it," he growled, his hands clenching into fists.

"But... maybe I know someone who could lend a hand," I amended, my mind suddenly plunged into thought. "He'll understand."




We had left the restaurant without eating, bidding Charlotte an early goodbye. She had looked worried, her smile pinched in at the corners. Zach and I had parted ways- he needed to get home and I had to find Bonnie. I scrolled through my Communicator, selecting her and choosing the Call option.

It rung a few times and was about to edge into her voice-mail before it was interrupted as her breathless voice cut through it.

"Natalia?" Bonnie asked, her voice cracked. I felt for her, understanding how hard this must be for her right now. It was hard enough with Choices, let alone having one of your closest friends become one of them. Their value morphed and transformed and changed, but not even you could know what they would end up as, to you.

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