02: three psychos in a room, they might fight.

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02: three psychos in a room,
They might fight ( THEY WILL).


Mo Bin pushed me gently into the music room; I almost hit him since he knows how much I despise and fear these places.

However, I soon became calm. I had a peculiar feeling that something strange was about to occur.

  Especially when I noticed a tall kid standing there with his back to me and wearing all white and a sports cap.

He is tinkering with his lighter while gazing out the window.

-She's here.

Said Mo Bin.

The intended target of that sentence was not paying attention to him, which irritated that self centred psycho, serves him right.

He is undoubtedly allergic to being ignored, yet he can't leave me alone? for god's sake, Ignoring people is my language.

- You biracial cunt... 

Mo Bin kept addressing him with mockery, but he didn't even respond, so he punched the door.

- Boo! don't be racist.

I commented.

- I am not being racist.

- You are, though.


I pinched my lower lip and rolled my eyes.

- Whatever, Mo Bin, who the heck is that anyways? And what's up with that dramatic pose?

- Why don't you guess?

I hate how all of his answers are basically questions!!

  Then I thought maybe the other child was to blame for his bruises...

I mean, knowing Mo Bin, he would have launched a fist right away, but he was keeping a safe distance for some reason.

- Look at me when I talk to you, or do you want us to fight again?

The rude, obnoxious jerk violently shut the door and shoved his hands into his pants' pockets.

My eyes were exploring both of them as I yawned and fiddled with my necklace out of boredom.

The strange boy turned around and removed his hat, displaying a softly smiling, attractive face.

- Kim Duming?

I called him in a questioning tone.

Then I signed "hi" by shaking my head.

  I was not at all surprised that he was seated in front of me because I had already considered the possibility.

- My beautiful Claire.

He raised the corner of his heart-shaped full lips and grinned happily till his eyelids closed, revealing his childish demeanor.

Duming had modified his hairstyle, with some locks braided and silver accessories at the ends, and he wore a headband.

He is truly stunning; tall, thin, and his tanned skin made his large, yellow eyes stand out even more.

Well that was the only advantage of being mixed-race; he has good looks.

However, Duming's condition was no better than Mo Bin's, with a flood of blood and traces of violence.

  And the fact that he was blinking his long eyelashes like a puzzled child while I remained staring at him without saying anything made my heart tremble.

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