Chapter 2

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I narrowly avoided the car that lands in front of me only to spin out, I try to control the spin but am unable to when a car hits my rear end causing me to be shoved into the wall as a result, and because I'm still going in high speeds the front get destroyed and the motor is sent into the cab with me, fuel starts spraying everywhere and sparks warn me, knowing my chances I get out of the car as fast as I can, I land wrong and fall face first into the dirt, the bad fall saved my life though as right when I landed a fireball exploded out of all the windows of the car narrowly missing me by what feels like a hair "dammit" I curse out, the car aflame behind me as I hurry to get off the track before I end up getting hit


Everyone was horrified by the literally crash and burn on the track, but calmed down when they saw Lucas running off the track.
"Lucas are you hurt" said a medic that had rushed over, Lucas shook his head saying he was fine, and by some miracle, he was. "Oh no" came from the speaker's of the track's "people...this week's races have been... cancelled, it appears that, the crash we just witnessed, has taken 2 lives, and several injured" the announcers said, the audience went silent, and slowly dissipated as the hour passed, the crash had been worse than it had first seemed, the first car had ended throwing it's driver partly out the window as it was rolling, and had crushed the drivers chest, the three that crashed into ended up either catching fire or ripping apart, causing serious injuries to their drivers, third degree burns, and one drivers leg to be ripped open, after that multiple cars crashed trying to go around, only 4 drivers in including lucas of the crash made it out unscathed, only 2 cars didn't end up in the crash


Richard and his buddies all went home that night with the events of the crash replaying in they're minds on repeat, Lucas went to bed but barely got any sleep, Jimmy tried to distract himself with call of duty until he passed out, and Richard just sat on his couch staring at the empty screen of his TV until the sun came up, all were moped out the next day...that is until they received a call, they had enough wins I'm they're races, and were be making it to the DTR racing competitions of the year, The Armored Tires were back in national dirt track competition again, thanks to they're hard work, they were also notified that the families who lost someone the day before would be gathered and that the Armored Tires would have to say a speech for them... everyone decided Richard was best suited to prepare and give the speach


I felt as though it wasn't right, the people that lost they're lives just because of a stupid race?, No, it wasn't right, if I could, I'd gladly put myself in trade for they're lives, to see what I saw? It scared me, it scared me inside, but of course, we all know racing is dangerous, no matter what environment, everything can be dangerous, Lucas was lucky, he's extremely lucky to be alive, when we got the call, and the part about the speach, we met up together, all four of us, a vote was cast, me we all decided Richard to prepare and give the speach, I'm not good at this sort of thing, and Lucas would back down, he hates speaking on a stage, add the events of yesterday and... well he would have a mental breakdown, Rick is also just terrible speeches, just peeling that bandaid off right now,
So yeah, sorry Richard, but your the best for this...
The next day we all met up at a community center, Richard stood on the stage with is brother and accepted the award, they set it aside Richard cleared his throat
"Hello, today should have been better, and racing is fun and all, comes with danger, as with everything in this world, those driver's- no, those people that lost they're lives...they deserve this award more than us, they deserve to be standing here, us? We should be the ones clapping as they all accept the awards, and the chance for the DTR competition's, they should be up here, and they aren't, is it fair? No, no it's not, and so, the money won? Will be divided evenly between the families that lost someone, the Armored Tires will not be keeping it" Richard had said, he left the stage and that ended the meetup, the families were in fact given even the shares of the five hundred dollar reward money, then everyone went to the funerals that wasn't a very good week

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