{2}: Relaxing Class

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Relaxing Class
Idea By: Stonenewouse
Written By: Super Gamer Girl


"Peach, are you alright?!?" Rohan yelled as he barged into Peach's bedroom. Peach looks over at him with a puzzled look. "Yes..i'm fine, Rohan. Are you alright?" Rohan breathes a sigh of relief. "I just..though it was Bowser again.." he admits shamefully, rubbing the back of his neck. Peach chuckles slightly. "You need to stop worrying Rohan, i'm fine." she says.

Rohan nods shakily and exits the room.

He walks down the hallway for a little bit then stops. He turns his head to peek at Peach's door, and sees nothing. He scoffs and continues walking. Why was he so paranoid?

Hours later, the sun had started to set, and dinner was being prepared.

Rohan took his seat at the table, and momentarily the food came out. He looked around the table, and didn't spot Peach in her usual seat. He broke out into a cold sweat. What if something happened to her?! What if she was hurt?! What if Bowser came?!?!? He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. She probably had a reasonable answer, and there was nothing to worry about.

...Or was there..?

It became harder to maintain ettiqutte as the minutes ticked by with no Peach. It was highly unlike her to miss dinner like this, and Rohan hadn't seen her since earlier that morning. When the anticipation became almost unberable, Rohan dropped his fork and pushed back his chair, abruptly standing up. The other occupants at the table eyed him as he hurridely walked out of the dining room.

He speed-walked through the lavish hallways of the castle, trying to get to Peach's room without running. Eventually, he reached Peach's chambers, and tried the door. It was locked. He broke out in a frantic sweat as he contempelated on what to do. After procrastionating for a while, he decided what he was going to do. He braced himself, and planted his feet on the ground, before round-house kicking the door.

The large wooden doors gave way almost immediately, and he rushed in the room.


He looked around the room frantically, but saw no signs of his cousin. He got even more desperate as he ran throughout the castle, calling Peach's name in an attempt to locate her. This could only mean one thing: Bowser. Why else would Peach not tell him that she was leaving?

"I'm going to kill that stupid son of a-" Rohan rambled as he stormed out of the castle. First, he would go to Mario and Luigi's house. They always helped when Peach got kidnapped.

"Mario! Luigi! Open up!!!!" Rohan pleaded as he pounded on the door to the small house. After a few seconds, the door creaked open. It was Luigi. "Oh, hey Rohan what brings you he-" "Is Peach here?!" he interrupted. Luigi froze and pointed inside of the house. Rohan followed the direction of his finger into the house. He led him to the living room, where Mario and Peach sat, curled up next to one another.

"Peach!! There you are I was so worried!!" he cried, throwing himself onto Peach. "Rohan..what?!? I told you that I had gone to Mario and Luigi's place!!" a shocked Peach said. "What? No you didnt!!" Rohan retorted, looking up. "Yes I..either way, it's no excuse for you to act like this!! I'm fine, Rohan!!" she says, shoving Rohan off of her.

Rohan's face was red with shame. Peach noticed and stood up.

"Rohan, I..This is unhealthy.." she says, taking his hand. "You really should get some help," Mario chimed in. Rohan rolls his eyes and pulls away from Peach. "I'm fine," he murmurs. Peach and Mario exchange worried glances.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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