{1} : Firework Fiasco!

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Firework Fiasco!
Idea By: Super Gamer Girl
Written By: Super Gamer Girl


It was the day of the anual Mushroom Kingdom festival, celebrating the establishment and longevity of the great kingdom.

All of the castle was decorated for the large event, and the princess was getting everything ready for the upcoming night, where there would be a parade in toad town, with everyone in the kingdom being invited for a night of friends, food, and fun.

Princess Peach hurried through the hallways of her magnificent castle, her pink gown swishing around her. The sun's last rays painted the sky with shades of deep orange and pink, casting a warm glow over the Mushroom Kingdom. This was the day she had eagerly awaited-the Grand Mushroom Kingdom Festival, a celebration of joy and togetherness. The entire kingdom buzzed with anticipation. Outside, in the heart of Toad Town, Princess Peach observed the lively hustle and bustle. barricades lined the sidedwalks, musicians tuned their instruments nearby, people were setting up their floats, and children ran about excitedly in colorful costumes. Peach laughed as she watched some toad sibilings chase each other playfully in circles.

But amidst all the activity, something important slipped from Peach's mind-- an essential detail that she had somehow overlooked: fireworks. She paced back and forth anxiously as she approached Toadsworth. "Toadsworth," she called out urgently, "did we arrange fireworks for tonight?" Toadsworth scratched his head in consternation."Oh my, no your highness, I simply thought that you had taken care of it-" he explained. Peach's heart sank. How could she have forgotten? The festival was incomplete without a dazzling display overhead-a spectacle that would light up the sky with shimmering colors.

She knew she had to make a soulution, and quick. Only one person came to mind when she pondered about who could possibly be of some help to go retrieve fireworks.

"Toad!" Peach called out, searching for her right-hand-man amongst the crowd. "Yes?!" she heard a distant voice call out, followed by toad, clad in a black outfit, running towards her. "Oh, there you are!" she exclaims. "At your service!!" he says in his raspy voice. "Right then. I need you to me a MAJOR favor!" Toad eyed the princess suspiciously. "Wha'ddya need me to do, darlin'?" he says in a deeper voice, whipping out a pair of sunglasses.

Peach blinked, processing what the heck just happened. "Right..I need you to make a quick trip to the metro kingom and retrieve the fireworks I ordered.." she says. "You didn't do it yourself?!" He yells. "Yes, I didn't. I had gotten all caught up in this whole festival that I couldn't arrange the fireworks. I would do it myself, I really would!" She explains. "No problemo, princess!" Toad assures. "Well, you must get going!! Hurry!" She says, pushing him lightly.


"Mariooo!" Mario hears Luigi call from downstairs. "What Luigi?!" He yells back, barely attempting to sit up. "We've got to get going!!" Luigi yells back. "Okay! Give me one second-- wait, for what?" He asks. "The festival!!" Luigi calls back, annoyance visible in his tone. "Crap," Mario whispered to himself, finally sitting up and tearing the blankets off of his body.

After getting ready, he goes downstairs only to be greeted by Luigi shoving a coffee cup into his hands.

"Good morning," mario says, yawning. "It's five in the afternoon." Luigi says, glaring at his brother. "Ehh, same thing" Mario sits at a stool on the bar and slowly sips the coffee. "Hurry up, you big goomba! We still have to help set up!" Luigi urges. "Coming, coming..." mario says sluggishly.

Soon enough, Mario and Luigi stepped out of their home, excitement sparkling in their eyes. Well-- mainly Luigi's eyes. Mario however, was still sleep deprived, and didn't want to go, but he knew he had to because it was what both Luigi and Peach wanted.

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