Chapter 15

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Angel hugged me close and I forced myself to relax into it. By the time we got to the party I had almost forgiven the condescending orders he'd given me. Angel helped me out of the car and we linked arms before strolling into the posh mansion. 

I didn't recognize it from Jasmine's memories, but most of the time she had to attend were at the house of Mr. Anderson. I found out quickly that it was owned by one of Mr. Anderson's colleagues. The party was alright, I suppose. Perhaps it was because I was quite tired that the party lacked energy, or it could be the fact that we were uninvited and most people just seemed resigned that we were there. We schmoozed, for lack of a better term, for almost four hours. By this time I was exhausted, irritable, and my feet felt like they were on the verge of falling off. I wanted nothing more than to go home and collapse onto the closest comfy surface.

Angel was talking to couple about something, my head was fuzzy and I wasn't paying attention to what they said. I smiled half-heartedly, hoping that I didn't look as dead on my feet as I felt. One of the other male guests, a man that Mr. Anderson had warned Jasmine away from multiple times, sidled up to me. 

I stiffened slightly as he leaned down and breathed a proposition into my ear. This guy had to be an utter moron; that was the only thing I could think of for a moment. Didn't he know I was already very much taken? I replied back softly so as not to disturb Angel that I was not interested in leaving the party and going home with him. His eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly before he turned and joined in the conversation. My eyes narrowed. Just what was this guy trying to do? Realization dawned on me as he gained Angel's attention before turning back to me. I was unsure what to do to prevent what would likely be a very embarrassing scene. I replied back in the negative again, not wanting it to escalate. Unfortunately, it looked like it was too late in Angel's opinion.

I figured that out when I landed on the floor, my right cheek throbbing. He had hit me so hard it had knocked me off my feet. And I never saw it coming. That's what frightened me the most; that I couldn't remember Angel swinging. Thank goodness my ankles weren't hurting. At least I didn't have to worry about them being sprained. Hobbling to the door would have been humiliating. My emotions finally caught up with me as I was hit by a brutal wave of betrayal. This feeling made my throat close up so I couldn't speak, and made my face flush with mortification. I forced back the tears I could feel welling up. I would not cry. I had done nothing wrong. Angel reached down and grabbed my arm, roughly pulling me to my feet. He hauled me to the coat room, confiscating my wrap and clutch before dragging me outside.

"I thought I told you not to make a scene." He hissed in my ear as we waited for the limo to come back around.

I bit back the angry retort that I wanted to yell at him. What was I supposed to do? Tell that asstard yes? And I wasn't the one making a scene. To start arguing now would just make him angrier, and I felt I was in enough trouble as it was. Joey didn't have time to get out of the car as Angel yanked the door open and slid in.

He grinned maliciously at me as he held the door and prevented me from getting in. "Have fun walking home." He told me sarcastically as he slammed the door, motioning for Joey to go. The way the car pulled away slowly told me that he was reluctant to just leave me standing there, but knew that he had to obey the boss.

After I had glared at the back of the car until it pulled out of sight I looked down at my heels. That ungrateful bastard! And he took my purse too so I don't have a chance in hell of getting a cab. I'm not going to beg the guests, either. So I planned to walk, and there was no use standing there looking like even more of an idiot. I took off at a brisk trot, ignoring the looks given to me from the valets and the throbbing pain in my feet every time they hit the pavement. I vowed from then on to keep enough money to get home in my bra whenever we went out. As I left the wagging tongues behind I felt safe enough to let out a groan of frustration. As it was I would be getting no sleep tonight and I had my appointment tomorrow with Dr. Byrd fairly early.

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