Chapter 10

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So, I decided that lunch and then a nap were in order. He had a double oven that I couldn't wait to try out, the stove was on the island that doubled as a breakfast bar, there was a huge double door fridge, a massive sink, top of the line dishwasher, and as I opened another shiny metal door, a wine cooler. Angel made some serious cash just to afford this room, let alone the rest of the house. I idly wondered if he'd be hungry before I shrugged. I would make him something and he'd eat it whether he liked it or not. The only excuse I would accept at all was if he was allergic, and then heaven help him if I found out he wasn't.

I hummed to myself, uncaring about my voice since it was only Angel and me in the house, as I pulled chicken breasts out of the fridge. I didn't know if he had anything planned for them, but I was going to use them now. I found a wok in one of the cabinets and frozen stir fry vegetables in the freezer and decided on making a mock Chinese dish. 

I didn't really like being domestic, I was not going to be turned into a damn maid, but I did love to cook. I put the entire wok out on the table when lunch was finished and then went searching for bowls and utensils. I think I'm gonna need a map for the kitchen. Maybe the whole house as well. I set out the cutlery and decided to take a look at his wine selection. I didn't have the faintest clue what would taste good with lunch, but I knew that Angel wouldn't have anything subpar. As I glanced at the labels one of them stood out. I had heard one of Mr. Anderson's associates claim that it was a fine vintage. So I poured two glasses of wine and added that to my table setting before going to hunt down Angel.

I hadn't heard him come downstairs so I made my way to the upper floor. I started opening and peering in doors until I came to one at the end of the hallway that was slightly ajar. I pushed it open to reveal Angel's study. It was a very masculine space, full of dark browns and heavy furniture. He was on the phone, listening to the person on the other end, but looking mighty aggravated. He glanced at me and smiled before raising his eyebrows.

I almost giggled at his way of asking me what was up without words. "Lunch is ready and I expect you to come eat it with me." I told him primly.

His smile grew as he hung up on the other person without so much as a goodbye. "Siren," his voice was soft and I melted at my new nickname, "you didn't have to cook for me. You know that, right?"

I grinned back. "Of course I do! But it seemed like such a shame to use the kitchen and not make something for you, too. But don't you dare expect me to turn domestic. I'm not your maid. I used to watch our cook all the time, and she started teaching me how. I loved it, so I don't mind doing it." I explained as we walked downstairs to the dining room.

We sat down and had a leisurely meal together. I closed my eyes as the contented silence stretched after we were finished. It rejuvenated and relaxed me at the same time. I hid a yawn behind my hand after a while and heard Angel chuckle.

"Come on, Siren. Time for both of us to take a nap." He ushered me upstairs into what had to be the master bedroom.

"You had trouble sleeping, too?" I asked softly.

"Yeah, the dreams got really bad again." He admitted as he went over to the chest of drawers and pulled out one of his buttoned shirts. "You can sleep in this if you like."

"I'm sure it's much more comfortable than this secretary get up I'm in." We both laughed at that. The shirt was well worn and very soft. I had a feeling that until I got my own clothes that I would be mostly wearing his, which was fine with me.

Angel's bedroom was done in black and gold which happened to be equal parts appealing and sinister, much like the man himself, and I happened to really like it. Sumptuous gold silk sheets and a folded down black comforter covered the king sized, four poster bed. I changed into his shirt quickly and slipped between the covers. The bed was so damn comfortable, more comfortable than anything I had known in over two years. And just like that I felt wide awake. I stared at the canopy for long moments, trying to lull myself back to a sleepy state.

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