017. 𝑆𝑒𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐴𝑛𝑥𝑖𝑒𝑡𝑦

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Matt has always had separation anxiety from me. I don't mind the clinginess, but I just don't think it's good for his personal mental health. It seems to really destroy him. He can't seem to be away from me for more than a day, maybe two. The longest we have been away from each other was about four days when I went on vacation with my family. Nick told me he wouldn't leave his room. It broke my heart hearing the way he felt. I tried to stay in contact with him to see if it would help, but he would always end up crying when I said I had to go.

We have been dating for about a year now. Matt, Chris, and Nick had gotten a call from their manager, Laura, saying that they needed to go down to LA for business purposes. Going to LA isn't the problem though. It's the fact that they are going to be there for two weeks. I have no idea what this time away from me will do to Matt, but it isn't gonna be pretty.

Matt has been very anxious this whole week about leaving me. He's been trying to find ways to make me tag along, but it just wasn't possible. I feel like this time away though could maybe help his separation anxiety, and maybe make it better. Like a learning experience?

I was over at Matt's house helping him pack. He leaves tomorrow afternoon. I mainly did most of the packing though. Matt was sitting on his bed currently having an anxiety attack. I would every now and then go sit with him. He was taking deep breaths while I talked to him. "Matt, you're going to be okay." I frowned, walking over to him and sitting next to him on the edge of his bed. I gently rubbed circles on his back. He then laid his head on my shoulder. "You can call me whenever you want, or text." I reassured him. He slowly nodded.

"I can't fucking do this." He cursed, taking another deep breath. "Yes you can, Matt. I know you can." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he put his arms around my waist. "You can." I repeated, whispering in his ear as I pushed his hair back out of his face.

Matt had finally calmed down, so he helped me pack the rest of his stuff until we were done. We decided to go to McDonald's so we got in the car and drove there.

It was now the next morning and the boys flight was at 1:30 PM. Matt had set an alarm for 11 AM so he had an hour to get ready. The alarm went off and I heard Matt groan as he reached over to his nightstand and stopped it. He then put his arms around me and pulled me close to him and kissed my neck. I smiled then turned around to face him. "Hi." He whispered with a soft smile. "How are you?" I asked, whispering back. "Shit." He sighed. I gently kissed his forehead.

I saw Matt's eyes starting to turn a little pink and start to fill with tears. "Matt. It's okay." I smiled and wiped his tears. "I don't want to go." He cried. "I know." I frowned. Matt gently kissed me as I kissed him back. Suddenly Chris barged into the room. "Matt-" He stopped. Matt sat up quickly. "Right. We need to go soon, hurry up." Chris quickly said then walked out. Matt looked at me then we giggled.

Matt got changed and I took his suitcase out to the car while he did so. I walked back into his room and he was sitting at the edge of his bed. "Ready?" I asked. Matt looked up at me and looked heart broken. He slowly shook his head 'No.' "Matt, you're going to be okay." I repeated for the hundredth time as I slowly walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him as he did the same. "Can you text me every day?" Matt asked as he stood up. "Of course." I smiled as we held the hug. "You'll have fun, I promise. And I know it sounds silly, or difficult, but try not to think about me." I pulled away from the hug and held his hands as I looked into his eyes. "Impossible." He huffed.

I then got an idea. I hurried into Matt's bathroom and remembered I had some of my favorite perfume in there. I had an extra that I kept here so I wanted to give it to Matt. I came back into his room and he was stood in the same spot. I walked up to him and placed the perfume in his hands. "Here, you can spray it on your pillow or something. Sorry, it's a little weird, but then you can have something of mine." I cringed. Matt didn't say anything. He nodded then hugged me tightly. "Thank you, Y/n." He said into my shoulder. I kissed his cheek.

🍁𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑡 𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑜𝑙𝑜 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠🍁Where stories live. Discover now