Chapter 15: There's A Runaway

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"Alright! Good job on your fifth day of working as a DJ. I congratulate you for actually being able to survive till now."

"Thanks, I guess."

I've been thorough with this job that I almost forgot to take a good sleep. Even Kiana is worried about me now, funny how she is, since I've been the one worried about her for these past days before we got money. Now then, I should probably sleep. As I was sleeping, I could hear snoring beside me, heh, Kiana, she is having a peaceful sleep. Though, I'm surprised that Kiana is actually sleeping in a calm and mature position.

Either she's getting more mature or this is just a coincidence. I mean, it has been a long time now that I think about it. I'll rest then, I'm better off awake later on since things will get noisy.

Hours by hours have passed by like sheeps hopping around the fence. I wonder if I'd be able to continue life like this, but a sudden realization struck me.

"Kiana... Where is she?!" I muttered in a panic.

She can't be possibly wandering around the city a time like this, can she? No, she can't. At least not the Kiana that I know of. The Kiana that I know of is clumsy, annoying, provides some sense of both comfort and stupidity. Looking back at the scene when she's sleeping like a matured teenager, is she really mature now? Or is here something else affecting her and she doesn't tell me? Conflict flooded my mind, but as soon as it did, I find my eyes looking onto a neatly, prepared letter, lying on the desk.

Dear Y/n, 

Thank you for taking me in your care for all these times. We've been through many things together and you've been helping me too much. You're still struck by Ms. Himeko's words, I know, because I can saw it clearly in your face. However, no need to worry now, I'm not going to be your burden and I also don't want to hurt you. You must have found it hard to believe that I wrote this letter because it's almost or is grammatically correct, I've read some books, that's all. See you, if we meet again.

From, Kiana

I froze upon reading the last sentence, finishing the content of the letter. This was not what I had in plan, was what I thought. It's too late for me to go and search Kiana, from what it looked like, she must've been long gone. That tuna decided to hop away from the river and decided to survive alone at the sea...

"Now... I felt even more guilt than before."

I went to my director, he's just right outside the building, welcoming people in to have some fun.

"Oh, you're a little early, don't you think?" He asked, gleefully smiling.

"I just wanna say... I'm going to quit."


"I have a friend, and she...let's just say become a runaway. She's the reason I even started looking for a job."

Director stays quiet as if he's thinking on what to say. I was about to say another word, but he's faster.

"I understand...go. I have a friend too. I know how it felt...losing a friend."

Upon hearing him muttering those words, I nodded and left the scene.

I suppose it's a little too early to leave the job, but... god dammit Kiana. you don't have to leave just because you felt like a burden.

I quickly observe and perceive my entire surroundings to find any trace of Kiana, but surprisingly, there's nothing. The used to be clumsy little girl has turn all matured all of a sudden. I can't tell if I'm proud or if I'm annoyed. 

Wandering from one place to another certainly took too much time, but did she manage to do it so fast? Well, that's one for a Herrscher vessel.

"Hey..." A voice called out.

"What do you want now? Arthur..."

"Just wanna tell you, you should let me take control once in a while. I've been bored inside your body."

"If you could track Kiana, I'll let you take over."

"I see, well what if I told you I could?"

I stopped after hearing those words. As someone who has been continuously searching for Kiana non-stop and is tired, I find it personally offensive that he decided to tell me now.

"Oh come one! Don't blame it on me! You didn't ask." Arthur said, defending himself.

"Go then."

"With pleasure." He took control and immediately dash to the sky.

He take a moment to enjoy freedom and everything around. What a good day it is, with Arthur taking over my body so I could get him to search for Kiana. He could probably follow the trace the Herrscher left befind. 

"Let's take a moment to enjoy things." He said, while embracing himself.

Looking around, he started running to certain places, following people and even buying some ice cream. Hold on, buying an ice cream? That doesn't sound right.  

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Cmon, can't I enjoy a little ice cream, it's tiring enough for me to follow the little traces she left."

He said, enjoying ice cream even further. He doesn't seem to care about Kiana, just wanted to come out once in a while I supposed.

I decided to kept on annoying, arousing his anger and making him start an uproar, why? Because he's damn annoyed that's why! 

"Alright! Geez!"

We began the search again.

Raiden Mei POV

I'm so worried for both Kiana and Y/n, after finding out what happened to Ms. Himeko, things doesn't seem to look good for any of us. Ms. Himeko has helped us a lot of times during our days as a Valkyrie in training. And Kiana... No used in worrying, I'm sure Y/n is with Kiana and is having a good time.

"Oh, Bronya!" 

"Good morning Subject Mei, I hope you slept well."

"I did, thanks for asking."

Bronya and me are currently on the ship with Headmaster Theresa. She seem really tired lately, I've been thinking much about Kiana and Y/n. Headmaster must have felt the same too. Not good! I need to retain my spirit.


"I thought you said you could find her!" I shouted in stress.

"Sorry alright? I thought so too, but her trace suddenly disappear, like erased from existence." Arthur responded.

I fell on the wall behind me, stressing on what to do. Things aren't looking good right now, I might need to do what I usually do. I might need to go back to my 'usual' self. There's no point in arguing with him, can't solve conflict with another conflict. Considering the situation, the best choice is for me to go to a bar, that place is easily the best place to dig up information.

"No more Mister Nice Guy, I'm breaking bad. I mean, I'm going to do what I do from now on."

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