Chapter 1: My Name is Katori Pearls!

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Journal Entry: 1.

Name: Katori Pearls.

Age: 16.

Date: January 27th, 1989.

Location: New York.

Cover art: KintsugiWitch on Devianart. 

Who am I? My name is Katori Pearls. I am also known to everyone else as Cherry because of my flushed face. I have blonde hair along with being short in height for my age. 4 feet 9 inches to be exact. Young genetics also runs in my family which adds to it. I try to take this as a blessing but it can get annoying when mistaken for a child at times.

I usually keep my nose down and do my work. Some people even called me a do-gooder...which I will gladly take. Keeping my nose out of trouble is what I planned to continue to do. Right now, I am the oldest in the house. I am the responsible caregiver of my little brother, Ruben. All I can say is at 16, I have a lot on my plate.

I am an artist so I love to draw. I also like to write. Currently, I am working on my comic but it is taking me quite some time to complete the first issue. I collect comics during my free time and also watch movies. I am also a mutant activist who volunteers my time to help out homeless mutants in New York City. Threatre is also fun for me but it is just a side hobby in school. Road trips are my ultimate summer pleasure but I have not done that in a long time. I am also a member of my school's video club. I take my camcorder around with me sometimes to video things.

I am a huge collector and fangirl, collecting what I can. Signatures from famous people or gold editions of albums. Comics. Posters. You name it. I even got to interview an actor before for a school project, it was pretty cool. A creative spirit. Anything with an artistic flair. I am constantly coming up with ideas I have to write down or I would forget them. To some people, I am...a nerd. If that is what I am labeled then I won't change it for a thing.

The mutant activist subject. I believe that mutants are no different than us. All of them have feelings. All of them need someone to care about them. Every one of them is a special star in the sky-someone who can't be replaced. Many can't help what they are. Everyone needs a helping hand from time to time. I get flack for it in school but someone needs to start somewhere. The more the mutants gather support...the faster people can come to understand with compassion. Superhumans included. I hope that day is soon.

Everyone knows me to have a huge sweet tooth. I love anything involving desserts. Every time the school lunch ladies bring out cake on Friday I am ecstatic. Sure, I love other foods too but this fact is what is generally known about me. Oh, and pizza too. Sometimes I am called the Pizza Girl too for obvious reasons. I always eat it.

Who are my family?

My older brother Nor (Age: 19) was currently on tour with his singing career. My oldest sister Judy (Age: 17) was off somewhere occupied with her modeling agency. Both chasing a life of fame. Nor would send a check to the house every two weeks to make sure the mortgage was paid while he was on tour. Judy was too stuffed up about herself that it seems she forget about us. Ruden (11) is just starting middle school.

I currently have a job at the Mall on weekday nights right after school ends. I start at 3:30 pm. I take my bike during good weather to get to where I need to be. I drop off my backpack in a locker before I start my shift. The job pays well so I can buy the things we need during the week.

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