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"Thebes City of the Living." Began the narrator.  Pharoah Seti the 1st is seen riding on the back of a chariot as guards kneel. "Crown jewel of Pharoah Seti

the 1st. Home of Imotep, Pharoah's high priest." The narrator Imhotep is shown standing on a balcony,
slowly turning around."Keeper of the dead. Birthplace of Anak Sunamun, Pharoah mistress".

Exclaimed the narrator. Anak Sunamun can be seen walking into a room and throwing a curtain open."No other man was allowed to touch her." Anak

Sunamun walks up to Imhotep places her hand, and waves over his face, "but for their love, they were willing to risk life itself."  Imotep kisses her smearing her body paint on her top right arm right below the shoulder.

"What are you doing here?" demands the Pharaoh. Imotep's priests are shown trying to close the door only for the Pharaoh to force them back open. They bow to him only for him to walk through the curtain. Then they lock the doors.

"Who has touched you" Anak Sunamun leans on a statue with one hand behind her back, but when Pharaoh points at her. She looks shocked to figure out that Imhotep smeared the paint "Imhotep, My priest," Pharaoh says turning around to see I Imhotep.

Anak Sunamun and Imotep stab the Pharaoh repeatedly slicing and dicing him like a salad. Banging is heard as someone tries to open the doors."Pharaoh's bodyguards," says Imotep 

"You must go save yourself," Anak Sunamun tells Imotep "No," says Imhotep  " Only you can resurrect me," said Anak Sunamun  "I won't leave you," said Imotep Imotep's priests dragging him away!" Get away from me" he orders his priests but they don't let go.

"You shall live again," Imhotep tells her."I will resurrect you're yelling at her. Just as he is out of sight the Medjai appears gasping at the pharaoh's mutilated body" My body is no longer his temple" Anak Sunamun tells the Medjai while stabbing herself in the stomach killing her.

Chariots are speeding into the desert. To resurrect Anak Sunamun Imhotep and his priests broke into her crypt and stole her body They raced deep into the desert taking Anak Sunamun Corpse with them to the Hamunptra City of the Dead. Ancient burial site for the suns of Pharaohs and a resting place for the wealth of Egypt.

For his love, Imhotep angered the gods by going deep into the city. Where he took the black Book of the Dead from its holy reading place. Anak sunamuns soul had been sent to the dark underworld.

Her vital organs were removed and placed in five sacred canopic jars. Anak sunamun corpse laid on a stone ritual slab. Her canopic jars next to her as Imotep reads from the Black Book of the Dead.

Anak Sunamun's soul had come back from the dead. Anak sunamuns soul comes out of a black watery tar pit and licks substance from a square in the ground. The Pharaohs bodyguards had followed Imotep and stopped him before the ritual could be completed.

Imhotep priest was condemned to be mummified alive, for Imotep was condemned to endure the home. Imhotep is on his knees as the Medjai hold him in place A Separate Medjai Uses a pair of tongs, and an Embalmer slowly pulls Imhotep's tongue out of his mouth, Then

the Goddess Autumn Ra daughter of Horus and Anubis, places a very sharp knife on top of it. We go through tight on IMHOTEP'S EYES as his tongue is cut out. The Triple Goddess flings Imhotep's tongue onto the floor. The Medjai dogs attack and quickly eat
it."The worst of all ancient curses one so horrible it had never been bestowed for only a god or goddess could perform it. "

Imhotep is wrapped up in bandages. The slimy bandages cover every part of his face except for his mouth, nostrils, and eyes which are filled with fear. Inside the dark and ominous cauldron, a thick and murky mixture of various debris, including dirt, leaves,

and other organic matter simmers, and bubbles, emitting an unpleasant odor and an eerie vapor that rises from its surface. Embalmers scoop out the fetid muck and apply it to Imhotep's wrappings as he squirms. He's then laid in a wooden coffin inside a stone sarcophagus.

An Embalmer with a bucket steps up and looks into the coffin.Imhotep's wild eyes stare back. The Embalmer empties the bucket over Imhotep's chest with dozens of scarabs, and disgusting dung beetles. They scurry across Imhotep's screaming face. Some vanish into his tongue-less mouth and up his nostrils.

It is certain that if one consumes the sacred scarabs, they will be cursed with eternal life. "He was to remain sealed inside his Sarcophagus along with scarab beetles The undead for all of eternity. The Medjai would never allow him to be released because he would raise a walking disease a plague among mankind. An unholy flesh eater with the strength of ages, power over the sands, and the glory of invincibility." Finished the narrator

"It is said that the goddess had bestowed the curse.She disappeared after that not to be seen again for she had condemned her first soulmate." Set a female voice so softly you can barely hear it.
"But these are just myths right"finishes a softer familiar soft female voice.

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