UNexpected Reactions ➳ Senji Kiyomasa

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A/N: This is a piece is a little mature and might possibly be too much for younger readers. Read at your own risk. (I love me some Senji -3- )

Your boyfriend Senji was a lot of things; he had to be to live in Deadman Wonderland. He was strikingly handsome, rude as almost anyone in the place could get, and your fiery attitudes always collided and turned into heated arguments. This time wasn't any different.

You were both in the training room earlier that morning and for some unknown reason you both started arguing over whose training regimen was better. It was so obvious - though you would never admit to it - that Senji's was better than yours. I mean have you seen the muscles on that man? They were proof enough that his regimen produced miracles. But anyways, the argument got extremely heated between the two of you and before either of you knew it you were screaming in one another's faces. Which resulted in you storming off and Senji haughtily ignoring you.

Now, don't misunderstand, you both cared for each other, you may even call it love. You were each other's sole light in the whole Deadman Wonderland vicinity. You both looked at each other, most times, as your reason for living. How you had got together you couldn't quiet recall, it was a mix of arguing and flirting that quickly escalated.

All day you had been trying to think up a way to get him to forgive you. Unfortunately or not, your naughty mind had wandered and you'd decided that since you had yet to have sex with Senji (you didn't know why you hadn't yet) that you'd try to seduce him into forgiving you.

You now stood in front of the floor length mirror in your room in section G. Your [e/c] eyes observed the flimsy material you were wearing as you turned from side to side to look at how the see-through lace clung to all your curves in all the right places. You couldn't stop a teasing smirk from curling the corner of your mouth up. You chuckled as you turned around and walked to your closet, your hands quickly rummaging through to find your long black, cotton coat and some stiletto heels that would match your [fave color] lingerie.

You felt pretty good. You didn't have many, if any at all, chances to dress up in the slightest. However, just knowing that there was a very high possibility that Senji was going to ravage you entirely made a light blush coat your cheeks.

Butterflies and raging nerves hit your stomach head on as you walked from your room to Senji's. When you arrived outside his door, you pulled the coat you were wearing tighter around your frame before raising a hesitant hand to knock on his door.

Your brows furrowed in agitation when he didn't answer and you then figured he was probably out, training in the gym like he always did. Which only made this all the better. You giggled before opening the door to his room and stealthily sneaked in. You kept the light off and situated yourself on his bed to wait for him.

About fifteen minutes later you were starting to get impatient. Would he notice if you started going through his things? Probably so. You pursed your lips in thought and ran a hand through your [h/c] hair. A few seconds later you jumped up in surprise as the doorknob to the room turned. A devious smirk immediately took residence upon your lips and before Senji could turn the light on and walk in, you had opened your coat to reveal yourself and stood proudly.

Everything happened very fast from there. You had stood there thinking that Senji was going to see you, shut the door and manhandle you. But you were so so wrong. As soon as Senji's eyes landed on you his cheeks turned red, his eye widened in pure shock and blood messily spurted from his nose. He groaned and fell to the floor in a giant heap.


You on the other hand quickly ran to his side and knelled down to help him. A lot of good that did, because as soon as your hands were placed on his arms and his eye took in your partially clad form, his blush deepened and his only eye, that wasn't covered by an eye-patch, rolled to the back of his head.

"O-oh God. Please, [N-name] g-get away from me..." He turned away to avoid looking at you and you automatically pouted from his hurtful words. Did he not like your body? In actuality did you look horrible? Your hands automatically went to bring your coat around to cover yourself back up, tying the front.

"I-I'm sorry Senji. I-I thought that maybe we could, you know," you trailed off and adverted your eyes to look at anything other than Senji's face. All the fiery courage and confidence slipped away from you with each word you said. You helped him up off the floor the best you could and helped him to the bed before you went and got a wet washcloth to wipe the blood from his face.

An awkward silence encompassed you. Senji must have noticed that he had hurt your feelings because his hand reached out to stop your own, which was still wiping his face clean.

"...[Name], I h-have to tell you something," he had mumbled the words quickly and lowly, but you had caught them. Your face showed confusion and then intense hurt. Was he breaking up with you? Oh no what were you go-

"I get," his words trailed off as if it were extremely difficult to say, "really shy with things like this. I'm surprised that you haven't heard about it before now." He adverted his eyes, shyly, to the wall behind you. Unable to look you in the face. You sat there zoned out in deep thought. His words made sense, it had taken him forever to kiss you. But you suppose that you were the one to initiate the kiss in the first place. Actually, you even initiated all the hand holding and flirty touches as well. You had just never thought about it before.

You instantly threw your head back and laughed loudly. Senji? The Crow himself? This was hilarious!

"S-shut up, woman..." His face blushed yet again and his hand went to cover his face from the intense embarrassment he was experiencing.

"Oh, Senji. Don't worry, I'll initiate this, too. When I get through with you, you'll never be embarrassed to look at my body again," You opened your coat and pushed your breasts onto his chest before teasingly kissing the skin beneath his ear. He jerked in surprise and you whispered, "You'll have every spot on me memorized soon enough. Hmhm~"

"O-oh god," sadly, Senji's thoughts and your touches got his mind whirling with inappropriate thoughts and blood spurted from his nose again. This time the blood splattered onto your lingerie. You laughed, "Looks like I'll have to take this off sooner that I first thought. Well, guess we could get to practicing." You giggled and started tugging at your clothes while a smirk tugged at your lips, and an embarrassed Senji tried his best not to stare at you for too long in fear of passing out from blood loss.

Let the games begin.

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