found in another world

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Karlheinz or tougo sakamaki was just on his way to go and get another sacrificial bride for his sons when he passed by the woods

His senses became alert as the animals were crowding around something "what on earth could that be?" Karlheinz said as he walked towards the crowd of animals

He stops at the sight of a female unconscious on the ground Karlheinz walked closer so he could feel her pulse "she's still breathing it seems" he said

Karlheinz looked at the unconscious girl curiously he reached a hand out to touch her only for some wolves to growl at him

He just ignored the wolves but he was surprised by how many animals felt protective over this one girl he lifted her up surprisingly she was actually pretty light to carry

Karlheinz took her to his cabin he had in the mountain top he wanted to find out who she was and why she was unconscious

Soon enough Kayla woke up from her slumber and immediately sat up staring at her hands trying to piece together how she's alive

Karlheinz noticed she was awake "your awake now good I want to ask you a few questions" he said but she was still trying to understand how she was still alive

"Oye" Karlheinz said getting her attention "why were you unconscious" Karlheinz said "unconscious...but last time I swear I was dead" she said

She looked down her shirt and saw 2 scars in her chest Karlheinz seemed to see her situation she thought she had died but she wasn't

"I'm so confused" Kayla said "first off I want you to give me your name" Karlheinz said "oh...Kayla kuran" she said

'Kuran that's a peculiar name' Karlheinz thought to himself "I'm Karlheinz sakamaki I brought you to my cabin to resuscitate you" Karlheinz said

He saw her clothes she was in a nightgown of some sort "I will offer you a place to stay in exchange for food and water" Karlheinz said

"But why you don't Even know me?" Kayla said tilting her head in confusion then Karlheinz saw a fang mark on her neck it seemed to have made her oblivious

He saw transparent wings on her back then understood who she was and smirked 'I could use her she seems like she could be able to handle my son's' Karlheinz said

"Stay with me for a bit and I'll give you some clothes" Karlheinz said though Kayla missed kaname she had to give it a shot

The End...

Or is it...

Until the next book...

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