Chapter 7: Tick Tock

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Y/n's Pov:

We were all out on deck counting how long Zane's been in the water.

"Ten minutes. He just broke his own record. The guy's inhuman." Kai said

Not long after Zane came back up out of the water.

"Amazing!" Cole exclaimed

"We're not worthy." Jay said bowing down

"Nice going Zane!" I said

"I broke the record?" Zane asked

"You destroyed it." Kai said and he gave me back the small chronometer which I put into my pocket.

"Okay. Okay. Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking? We've been training for so long, I don't think we can get any better. Just think about all we've accomplished." Jay said

Kai was running across a bunch of hot charcoals and made it all the way across.

Jay was balancing on one hand on top of a metal rod on a huge building in the middle of a lightning storm.

Cole was lifting some weights and had Jay and Nya balanced on both sides. Jay was holding a Turkey and a dumbbell and Nya was holding Snowy and a Dumbbell.

I was meditating trying strengthen my mind since I had already done a lot of training in the Steve Realm.

Snowy was running around causing mischief but trying to be included in this challenge. She held a dumbbell as she ran around the Bounty.

"The question should be raised. Perhaps we have reached our full potential?" Zane suggested

"Also are we not gonna talk about the Arctic Fox staying in there Bounty?" Jay asked

"Yeah, actually why is there an Arctic fox here?" Kai asked

"Yeah, about that, this is Snowy. She's gonna be living with us for a while and don't be surprised if she does cause mischief around here." I said

"Another Lloyd. How fun." Cole said

"Basically, but Snowy is different then other Arctic Foxes and I mean it. She has more of an intelligence." I explained

"Are you saying we have to deal with a mischief and smart fox?" Jay asked

"Yes, she might steal your stuff but you just have to trade her or give her food." I explained

"Well, ain't that great. We have to bargain with a fox just to get our stuff back." Cole said

Snowy barked in response and jumped around a bit.

We then made our way to Sensei Wu's room.

"Well, every morning I do 500 pushups." Zane said

We opened the door.

"Five hundred? Ha, try a thousand." Kai said

"Ha, ha. I do a thousand and one." Jay said

"I do a thousand and four hundred." I said

"What is this amateur hour? Sounds like my warm up. Sensei, what does true potential look like if—" Cole said but we quickly realized he was busy.

Our apologies, sensei. We've interrupted you." Zane said as we all bowed our heads.

Snowy just came in and sat next to my uncle.

He sighed "I'm sorry if I've been distant lately. My mind has been elsewhere since Lloyd had gone missing. What can I help you with?"

"Sensei, what if we've done enough training? What if we've reached our true potential? What if we're ready?" Cole asked

"Heh. You might have reached peak physical condition, but you've yet to reach your inner potential. In each and everyone one of us, there are obstacles that hold us back. Only when you conquer that fear will your heart be free. Only then will you reach your true potential. Only then will we have a fighting chance to stop the Serpentine from releasing the Great Devourer." Sensei Wu explained

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