19) Smoke Filled Kiss

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(Hey y'all, happy late pride month!! I'm back lmao, so uhh...I never posted this part for some reason, but I'm going to now, and I'm going to be posting more since I've been out of school. Also, for the Irl povs, I'm going to be doing it in third person, bc I like that style more, SO EAT IT UP!!)

denver gays

finnster: hey yalllllllllllll!!!!

brucey: what Finney

finnster: don't be mean to me 😡

progymnast: no don't stop, be mean to the gays

robbywobbly: hey don't say that, it's pride month ☹️

progymnast: It's July 1st, pack it up skittle squad

papergay: your gay, you know that, right?

progymnast: hush boy, hush

vancey: there is no hushing, I saw you giggling and kicking your feet when Billy texted you

progymnast: DIE VANCE, DIE

vancey: you first?

finnster: robby mete me at the prark, I mis youuuuuyy

robbywobbly: is something wrong with him?? why is he acting like this? also, it's 11 at night

brucey: idk, he's probably tired

finnster: also, brign a lighter, I thew mine ad it explodud

vancey: relatable

progymnast: that's how our porch caught on fire

robbywobbly: okay, see you soon, Bruce I'll text you if I need assistance with this dumb mf

brucey: yes sir 🫡

vancey: you're older than him, you know that, right?

finnster: hurry up robby, I miss yaur

robbywobbly: I'm on my way, don't have a fit

finnster: 😡😡 grrr

papergay: furry


Finney was sitting at the top of a play structure in the dimly lit park, which was lit by about two dim streetlights. He was waiting for Robin, who should be there anytime soon.

"Finney? Is that you? Heyy!!" Robin exclaimed as he walked onto the grass, which was damp because of how bad it was raining earlier that day. He climbed up the play structure, and sat down next to Finney, who smelled strongly of a recognisable scent, but he couldn't put his finger on what it was.

"Hey, Robby, glad you could make it, did you bring a lighter?" Finney asked, looking into Robin's eyes as he sat down next to the boy.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, it's in my pocket, why do you need it anyway?" Robin questioned the boy as he pulled out a small, black lighter. Finney grabbed it and tested if it worked, which it did.

"Oh, right. Yeah, so uhm, have you ever smoked weed before?" Finney questioned, and Robin finally realized what the scent was that he recognized so much.

"Well, once, by accident. So that's what that smell is. Where did you even get it?" Robin questioned, to which Finney shrugged his shoulders, as like he didn't remember.

"So that's why I needed the lighter, because I threw mine and it..exploded. Are you comfortable with me smoking around you?" Finney asked, making sure the boy was comfortable with him.

"Yeah, I'm fine with it. Hell, I'll smoke with you, I've been kind of stressed out lately." Robin responded to the boy's question, so Finney handed him a joint out of his pocket. Robin pressed the joint to his lips, and Finney lit it for him.

"So, why did you want me to come here?" Robin asked Finney, looking over at him as he exhaled a cloud of smoke.

"To be honest, I can't remember why I texted you, I'm preeetty high right now." Finney said in response to Robin, looking back at him.

Robin and Finney smoked for a pretty long time, and they were both unreasonably high. Finney was too high to realize his surroundings, but Robin was still aware of what was going on around him. He was looking Finney in the eyes.

"Good God your eyes are bloodshot." Finney said, moving his body closer to the boy.

"Yours are too, dumbass." Robin laughed, looking ahead of him, away from Finney's eyes. Finney laughed as well, but he didn't look away from the boy, he still looked at him and admired his face.

Finney moved right next to the boy, so their thighs were touching, and he put one arm around his shoulders. Robin looked at the boy and smiled at him.

"Robin, I know we're high, but stop looking at me like that and please just kiss me already." Finney asked in a serious tone, not breaking eye contact with the boy.

"Finney, you don't have to ask, we're dating you know." Robin chuckled, looking at the boy.

"Damn, we are? I forgot." Finney said as Robin burst out laughing.

"If you won't kiss me, then I'll kiss you first, asshat." Finney said, cupping the boys face with one hand, and leaning in, but leaving about half an inch between their lips.

"Finney, if you're going to kiss me, do it already and stop teasing me." Robin whispered, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist as he turned his body to fully face him.

Finney followed the boys request, and closed the space between their lips, kissing him softly. The kiss felt loving, and all of the built up tension that was there, washed away as they got deeper into the kiss.

Robin pulled Finney closer by the waist, tightening his grip around him, which sent chills down Finney's spine. They heard rustling noises but brushed it off as the wind, but then they heard a familiar laugh, as a flashlight shined in their direction.


hehe cliff hanger 😽😽
I'll be posting another chapter on the other fic later today, so go read it, it's not getting enough attention ☹️

word count: 930 words

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