2) hangout

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bad at maths

brucey: guys

robbywobbly: wjat

vance: yeah whats up

brucey: wanna hang out with me and some friends, my friend finney will be there, griffin, billy, and finneys sister gwen

vance: oh yeah griffin already told me

robbywobbly: sure, im bored

brucey: alright come at like 5

brucey went offline

robbywobbly went offline

 vance went offline


PM with billy and griffin

griffin: hey wanna hang out, were all hsnging out at bruces, its gonne be me, finney, bruce, vance, and robin

billy: sure pook

griffin: alright come pick me up at 5 pookie

billy: ofc 😘


Finneys pov

I was at Bruce's, sitting on the couch talking with Griffin and Billy, waiting for Bruce to come back with Vance and Robin.

"Bro Vance is totally gay for Bruce, its so obvious-" Griffin said

"Same thing goes for Bruce, makes me want to be homophobic." I said, laughing.

"Your gay as hell too Griff." Billy said before getting tackled off the couch by Griffen, as they were both play wrestling, Bruce walked through the door with the two boys behind him.

"I thought I said prevent them from fighting?" Bruce said, laughing.

"They just cant keep their hands off of each other, kinda gay if you ask me." I said as Billy got off of Griffen and gave me a death stare.

We all laughed and the other three boys plopped onto the couch next to me.

"Wheres Gwen?" Bruce asked

"Upstairs with Amy." I said

We all talked for a bit, then Gwen and Amy came downstairs, in their bathing suits

"Guys lets go swimming." Amy said as Bruce dragged us outside

I stood in front of the pool, about to jump in when Robin came behind me, picked me up, and threw me in the pool. I came up for air and saw Robin smirking at me, so I grabbed his hand and yanked him in the pool.


"WHATS HE SAYIN-" Was all I managed to say before being pushed under by the shorter boy.

When I came back up, Robin was looking at me with the silliest grin on his face. I went to push him under but heard Vance yell something.


I blushed a bit, and swam over to them, Robin following behind, We swam for a few hours, doing dumb stuff like chicken fights, and then we got out and head inside.

"Hey we need some clothes Bruce." I said, pointing to me and Robin.

"I think we all do, we all swam in our clothes.." Billy said, laughing.

"Here, I'll bring yall some clothes." Bruce said, walking upstairs.

I sat on a stool and began talking to Robin again.

"Its kinda funny how your shorter than me, yet you can still beat up someone as tall as Moose-" I said to him, giggling.

"Shut up, your only like, 3 inches taller than me." He said, laughing.

We laughed and talked, and Gwen came over to taunt me, as usual.

"Ooo who's your friend Finney~" She said in a taunting voice.

I was about to say something, but Bruce came down in some sweatpants and a black shirt and gave us all clothes.

"Go change idiots-" He said as we all rushed to a room to change.

We all changed , and met back in the living room, where most of us would be sleeping. Bruce put on a horror movie, and we all got arranged, me and Bruce were in the middle, Vance and Robin were on the end, and Griffin, Billy, Gwen, and Amy were sitting on the floor infront of us.

Once the movie ended, most of us were asleep, but I wasnt, and neither was Robin.

"Hey Finn, you awake?" He asked in a whisper

"Yeah, whats up?" I answered

"Just wanted to know." He said

Me and him talked for a few minutes, but then we finally fell asleep.


sorry if the spanish is bad, i use google translate and it sucks lmfao. also opinions on robin being shorter than finney??

word count: 650 words

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