Chapter 1

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Ardos sits in his office, remembering the events at Citiadark Isle 3 years ago , angry until the door slides open. Gorigon emerges from the darkness. "We found it", he claims. A grim smile looked upon Ardos's face as he looked at the screen now lit up. Several Cipher agents aboard a single man copter fire cables onto a pokemon who has lived peacefully in a world of its own. Giritina, the master of this realm, thrashes about to avoid capture from these invaders and screeches through its mostly empty home in the slight hopes its brethren might come to Gritina's aid. However, no help came as more copters and giant blimps flew through a portal made by the power of science and a device on the other side. Giritina continued to fight off the invading forces, but the more it thrashed, the more fatigued it got and soon it couldn't resist its pursuers anymore. Cables fire from copters once more and capture the lord of distortions as one of the blimps lands and a scientist walks out.

"Be calm, you will be an example of a new era, an era of darkness" the scientist says as cipher agents start disembarking from the blimp with building materials. Giritina bellowed one last roar as it stopped moving due to loss of energy. Months have passed, as now, the criminal organization has taken over the distortion world and operations a large base of operations. Skrubs, once a cipher peon, is now commander, sets up a tripod device that opens a new portal as more agents enter, followed by Grandmaster Ardos. "What is the progress of my new shadow pokemon?" Ardos questioned Skrub. "We have the Shadow Emitter ready and Ein is awaiting for you to arrive to begin final operations".

Ardos nods and moves towards the new Shadow Pokemon lab. Ardos enters the lab and cipher agents and scientists stand at attention as the Grandmaster walks towards his destination. The door slides open and he walks in to see a large glass-enclosed cage where Giritina is being modified and has the Griseous Orb strapped to it's very body. The screeching of a pokemon can be barely heard behind the glass in which a scientist watches it's suffering.''Finally, after eight years in prison, I can finish my greatest work" he says as he opens one of his binders labeled Ein File H, along with files from the XD001 project. Upon reviewing both files, he gets on the mic to "activate the machine".

At that very moment, a section of the wall opens up. A beam-like device with a dark crystal attached emerges from the wall and takes aim at the Legendary Pokemon of the Distortion world. "With this crystal we mined from Almia we shall take the next step in shadow pokemon evolution' The emitter fires and all can be heard for the next several hours is a horrifying scream of a pokemon only known in legends and a wicked grin appears on Ardos's face "I will finish what you have started, Father"

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