III: Different

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"You can't hear anything? No voices, no sounds, nothing?"

Silver wires were firmly taped to various parts of his body. They were slightly uncomfortable, but the scientists had insisted it necessary– he'd gotten used to them a long time ago. Most would tremble in the cold chill of the lab, especially if their only piece of clothing was a thin medical gown draped upon their pale skin. But Sephiroth knew not what it was, to feel 'cold'. He could certainly sense the difference in temperatures, the contrast of a lamp's warmth to a metal's bite, but the discomfort that came with it was not something he was familiar with.

"No," he murmured in a small voice. He tapped his feet on the ground, looking down towards them. He did not look at the doctor kneeling next to him, he'd not look at anyone. All he knew was that whatever it was that he was supposed to hear– he had failed again.

"How disappointing," Professor Hojo's voice hissed from the corner of the room. "My, I fail to understand why Doctor Gast still has faith in you. These tests are proving themselves to be little more than a waste of time."

Sephiroth held one of his hands in the other, slender fingers intertwined. He took in a deep breath. He'd not whimper. He'd not weep. He'd not do anything to provoke Professor Hojo's vexation. The professor was already in a bad mood, as he tended to be with every failure– and he'd grow even more angered by any sign of Sephiroth's own melancholy.

"Useless, useless, useless!" Sephiroth could hear the professor mutter under his breath, but even then, he stifled any response he might've otherwise given. The professor didn't like it when he could pick up on the things he 'wasn't supposed to hear', yet could not detect the strange voice he'd been told he was 'supposed' to hear. Sephiroth didn't really understand what any of this meant. He was but a child of seven, and he always felt so lost amongst the lab-coats around him. Only Doctor Gast ever cared to sit by his side and spend real time with him.

But the worst part of the day was yet to come. Professor Hojo and Doctor Gast both said it was 'necessary for social development'. Sephiroth always dreaded his social sessions more than anything– even more than the futile tests he was made to go through.

It was the same room every time. The walls were like mirrors, and there were cameras watching them closely from each corner. Various children would fill the room, ranging from six to eight years old. Some were the offspring of Shinra workers, but most were orphans from the slums. Sephiroth was curious to know what it was like outside the Shinra building, but none ever told him what it was like. If they did speak to him, they'd not indulge in any of his questions or curiosities.

He stood in the corner, trapped amongst them once more. He stared unblinking with his large, green eyes. They'd gathered in a crowd on the other side of the room– away from him. Occasionally, a few would glance at him, and their conversation would turn to ' the strange kid that's just staring at us' . And Sephiroth would smell fear waft off their pores, their hearts hammering just that little bit faster.

He was not one of them. He was not like them. He knew he was different; he'd felt so for as long as he could remember... but why did they have to hate him for it?

Sephiroth took a few steps towards them. As he did, more and more of their beady eyes would shoot up and watch him, the smell of fear only growing stronger. He knew he couldn't sulk in the corner forever, like he'd tend to do. Doctor Gast had encouraged him to 'put himself out there' and play with the children. Perhaps, this time, things could go well.

"Hello," he spoke softly, trying not to spook them further– some paid attention to him, others just ignored him.

"I was just w–"

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