I: Conception

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TRIGGER WARNINGS (for the entire story, not just the chapter):

- Death
- Violence, blood and light gore
- Torture
- Child abuse and death 
- Animal abuse and death
- War
- Torture (implied and shown)
- Non-graphic child birth

If any of these are sensitive topics for you, please be cautious on whether or not you choose to read this story.

This story is based around the world and characters featured in Final Fantasy VII, which belongs to Square Enix. However, much of their interpretation and portrayal in this story is my own.


Project S was going to change the course of history.

Doctor Gast slowly drummed his fingers along the thick file on his side of the table, pages upon pages of research into his magnum opus. His eyes were withered and weary from a long night of no sleep. How could he bring himself to slumber when he was so close?

He knew his health was important, for he'd not be able to work at his best without sufficient rest. But no matter how much he'd urged himself to remain in bed, seal his eyes shut, and let his mind drift away– Project S had utterly ensnared him.

His other two colleagues were sat at the table, a slim man named Professor Marcus Hojo– an ambitious scientist who rose the ranks of the Shinra Corp's science division at an alarmingly high rate– and Professor Lucrecia Crescent– a top biotechnologist with countless credentials, eager to pursue her passions in science.

They'd all seen the proof. Jenova, that strange being dragged out from frozen dirt, was an 'Ancient'- referred to as Cetra in more professional fields. Every single test had shown it to be so. And now, with backing from the Shinra corporation, they were given the funds to conduct an experiment to resurrect this extinct race through the power of genetic engineering. Construct the one who shall converse with the planet, as the Cetra once had thousands of years ago, so they may lead humanity to the so-called 'promised land'.

Gast had no right to refuse this. Whether the myth of the promised land was to be taken literally or metaphorically, the existence of someone who could speak to the planet would be invaluable to science. Yes, they'd be living under Shinra– but this was for the sake of a greater good. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, so they say.

What started as the Jenova Project had now birthed Project S.

"I'll do it," Lucrecia whispered softly.

Doctor Gast frowned, leaning forward from his chair.

"What do you mean?"

"I can offer a foetus for Project S."

Doctor Gast was silent for a few moments. It was rare for him to be shocked by something– and perhaps it was too strong a word to describe his current state– but this willingness to get one's own flesh and blood involved was certainly a surprise. He glanced at Hojo, trying to search for whatever emotion was in the beady eyes half-hidden by his dark glasses. All he saw was the grin he was all too familiar with; a mask Hojo always wore to hide his true feelings. Gast suspected, however, that the grin was not actually incongruent with the professor's thoughts.

Lucrecia reached her hand to Hojo's and intertwined her fingers with his own– he stiffened. Gast's brow twitched upwards.

"You, ah, have conceived?"

"No," Lucrecia shook her head. "But I am willing to do so for the sake of this project."

She looked back at Hojo, and Gast wondered if she was attempting to please him. 'Science is above all' was a phrase the professor liked to repeat.

MONSTERS (A Final Fantasy 7 Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora