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As morning came you could see the looks of concern on the crews faces as now they knew what was going on with their captain but could do nothing but to ride the wave out as now they had 3 days left till the storm passes ( as far as they knew but they had 2 days)

Law walked into the kitchen hoping to get something to eat, but he was unsure if the crew will treat him the same way now that they know what was going on but to his surprise they treated him like nothing happened

" Why are you treating me like this, even with what happened" asked law

" Well I doubt our captain would like it if we treated you differently just because of what happened so justs just best to act like nothing happened"
Said Sanji lighting a cigarette

" Yeah Luffy ain't the type to be mean to someone just because they had a disagreement" said chopper with a smile

" I'm not even gonna ask for the reasons behind your answer but I still think it was that love cooks fault" said Zoro

After that Luffy burst into the kitchen shouting" SANJI, MEAT, I NEED MEAT NOW SANJI, FEED ME MEAT, NOW"

" Tch, There he goes again with his stomach again" said Sanji with a smirk on his face "ok everyone get seated foods almost ready"  

" Yay meat shishishishishi " said luffy frantically trying to get more of the food

Law was amazed at how Luffy was taking the rejection he was impressed at how mature he was acting

But knowing nami an evil smile came across her face and said " Zoro go get me a mango outside"

" I'm not going outside it's raining" said Zoro

" I can get it for you my sweet nami-swan" said Sanji with hearts in his eyes

" No it has to be Zoro" said nami

" Well Im not going sent the damn love cook " responded Zoro

" Don't you forget about the 200 000 berry loan you still owe me and not to mention the 300% interest that comes with it" said nami with that sweet but evil smile

" But that moss head is just gonna get lost" said Sanji

" No no no don't worry about it" said nami " now go get me my mango, you should find it further inland" said nami turning to Zoro

" Tch, that witch, that's the last time I'm ever taking a loan from you" mumbled Zoro getting up and wearing his rain coat.

" What are you planning nami" said usopp with worry on his face

" What me, nothing at all " said nami trying to hide the joy she had

" Ok I'm leaving now" said Zoro with a pissed look on his face

" Oh and try to be back by noon, ok" said nami

" Yeah fine" said Zoro "witch" he mumbled

After that law had that sinking feeling that nami was up to something know the Zoro had no sense of direction. Luffy just said " byeeeeeeee Zoro make sure to come back before noon or I'm gonna eat all you food"

It was noon and Zoro had not returned yet from the mango trip

" Nami I do hope you know that Zoro is surly lost by now" said robin reading her book

" Oh trust me I know that moron will get lost anywhere" said nami smiling

" Oh then this is part of a plan I assume"

" Yeah it is, I guess I can tell you my plan"

" Oh is that so"

" Yeah we will all go looking for Zoro leaving law and Luffy to try and sort their mess out"

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