family tree

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The main character's family tree

Little light family tree, starting from the head of the family

Mr George Wallace the owner of the family.   Mr George's father used to be a slave owner. Most of his  current wealth is thanks to his father's businesses
He also has a business in palm oil and owned some oil plantation in the east of Nigeria.
After his father died, he got into the palm oil business and expanded to exportation of food and livestock. He collaborated  with the igbos in the east of Nigeria, in Africa.
There He met koshineke, a teenage boy of a destitute family.

Kosineke Alois Wallace
He grew up in a communal home deep in the coal city state, enugu. His family had nothing left, most of their land sold to augument their debt during the civil war in the 1960s. He was given as a gift to the Catholic Church to serve as an alter boy and  during that period met Mr Wallace, who was 25 years of age.
He served Mr George and became an important vassal in his house.

Rebecca wura olayemi
A sixteen years old yoruba socialite. Her family were important personalities that served in her majesty's court even after the independence. At sixteen she was made to marry Alois as he was a vassal and representative of the coal city state and as he was one of the most educated and approved under her majesty. Rebecca's family thought it wise to marry her to him.

Rebecca would go on to give birth to four children. Her first son, Patrick illesanmi Wallace who she never saw again after he reach the age of 15.
Her second child a girl born two years after Patrick, kambilli priscillia Wallace, who was married off to politician as soon as she was 18
Her third child ona olivera Wallace, taken to England by Mr George at the age of 14. But at least she still saw the her after 8 years. Ona was born two years after priscillia.

After a series of still births for the next 5 years, she managed to have a weak daughter.
Elisabeth sola damilola Wallace. The main character's mother
The only child who's grandchild she had seen.
Her daughter had left home for university at 16 and she had never seen her for 10 years.

Rebecca married at sixteen. Began to give birth at 18 and stopped having children at 29. It wasn't her fault because after Elisabeth, everytime she took in she had miscarriages or still births.

Her oldest was 36 years
Her second oldest 34
Her third 32
And her last 27 with a child.
And she 52 years with a husband 10 years older than her.
And Mr George 6 years older than them both.

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