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This chapter contains a lot of different timelines.

Emilia is 4 months and 2 weeks pregnant and they told the family about having twins over the phone but they didn't tell them of the gender(s)
❢◥ ▬▬ ◆THIRD PERSON◆▬▬ ◤❢


"So umm how do we break the news to them" Emilia whispered leaning over to Alessandro standing at her side looking at the scene unfolding in front of them.

The entire De'Luca family had bought presents for the soon to be born twins but the problem was that it was for twins boys and Alessandro and Emilia were having a boy and a 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙.

They had told the family that they were having twins again but they wanted to tell the genders in real life so they now have no idea on how to tell the family.

"I don't know, you tell me" Alessandro whispered loudly turning to face his wife which earned him a glare from her.

"Man if looks could kill" he muttered to himself which made Emilia glare at him once again before walking towards the family.

"Alright that's it. Everybody listen up!" Emilia shouted getting everyones attention "As you all already know, Alessandro and I are having twins again" Emilia says.

Which made everyone nod with confusion "Alessandro, if you will?" she said turning to her husband giving him a 'you tell them' look which made him just widen his eyes but still slowly walk next to her.

As Alessandro stepped forward the entire family watched the couple with confusion.

Meanwhile upstairs all their children were watching the scene fold out from the top of the stairs by the railings chuckling.

"Well, what we want to announce is that we are having twins!" he said going silent which made the family confused even more.

"What the hell are you saying?"Maria (Alessandro's mom) asks very confused.

Meanwhile back upstairs, all the boys started laughing loudly which earned the boys a glare from Emilia.

"Are y'all gonna tell us or will both of y'all just stand there!" Alessandros father Riccardo shouted, done with his sons stupidity.

This made the boys laugh even more so much that they had tears coming out of their eyes.

"WEAREHAVINGABOYANDAGIRL!" Alessandro shouted out very loudly and quickly "What?" his father asked.

At this point almost all the brothers had started to choke on their laughter.The cousins however heard Alessandro so immediately they got excited.

Now the parents were looking over at their children wondering why they were jumping up and down so excited.

"Oh Lord, you are useless" Emilia said massaging her temple as she walked towards the confused family once again.

"As you all know that I'm pregnant with twins...again, however when we went to see the gender of the babies it was actually genders."

"Wait are you saying-" Alessandros mother, Maria started as tears started forming "Sì mama, We are having a boy and a girl."

Right as the word "Girl" left Emelias mouth she was engulfed in a hug by Maria as the rest of the family stood shocked.

Soon after they had recovered from their shock (which lasted for like 10 minutes) they all congratulated Emilia and Alessandro and left to the mall to exchange gifts.

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