divine - 2

238 17 11

Y/n woke up, splayed all over the small mattress he fell asleep on. The alarm next to the bed read 5:33 AM, 30 minutes before he actually needed to wake up.

The boy decided to take advantage of this fact, stretching out the kinks in his body, second checking his school bag, and smoothing the wrinkles in his uniform. He'd been too tired to try it on last night and it was too late to trade it out, so hoping for the best was the most that could be done.

Showering quickly, smoothing hairs with water, making absolute sure that he had deodorant and cologne on, he deemed himself ready, carefully escaping the dorms.

It was still very early, the sun just barely waking up, as well as the stores and the people, but this meant he could familiarize himself with the layout without having to worry about making a fool of himself.

Humming gently, his gps brought him to a small 7/11. He didn't have these in France, but he'd heard they were in the US and some east asian countries. Figuring they'd have something ready to eat, he quickly scanned the aisles, realizing early on that some of these words he didn't recognize and even though he had Japanese yen in his pocket, he barely knew how to use it.

"Merde.." muttering quietly in distress, he looked around for any help, spotting someone in the same uniform as him. Taking a deep breath he decided to just go for it. He'd either be helped beyond what he needed or made fun of, there was no in between with high school students.

"Excuse me..?"

The boy in front of Y/N turned around, his gunmetal eyes looking into his, soft eyelashes and even softer features tensing. Y/N's breath caught in his throat, his own eyes widening a fraction.

"Yeux d'ange..*" Came his soft mumble. He noticed the confused expression on the boy before him and he didn't want to be rude, stuffing his hands in his uniform pockets and forming a friendly smile.

"Do you think you could help me?"

"Oh, yes.."

The gentle boy beside Y/N helped him quickly and efficiently, explaining the Japanese words and breaking them down for the foreigner, as well as telling him how to say "how much for this?" in regards to the price.

He was a huge help, Y/N thanked him profusely as he paid, their conversation going no further than business. Y/N scampered out of the store, speed walking in the direction of his new school. The boy in there was gorgeous, but he really didn't want to be stuck in an awkward conversation since they would likely be going the same way.


Akaashi watched the friendly male walk out of the store, in the direction of the school. Of course he noticed the uniform, it was the first thing he took note of when he entered the small store. He comes this early on days he doesn't have volleyball to purposely avoid everyone on his way to school.

He was hoping the male wouldn't bother himself with him, but he turned around and he was obviously a foreigner, noting the accent on his Japanese, and clearly a bit confused. He was introverted but he wasn't mean.

The boy Akaashi helped out was friendly, seemed sweet, and obviously very pretty. He'd never seen him before, and he most definitely would've remembered someone like him, his tie color pointing out that they were in the same grade. Wondering if it was the foreign boys first day at their school, he found himself wishing for a second that they would be in the same classes.

It was nice to help someone. It helped that he was helping a quick learner with a smooth voice.


a/n; *angel eyes .
my writing gets better w the chapters,
trust me 🫶
i just need to get a feel
for the story first ;P

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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sucré rose; akaashi x male reader Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora