5 - Cat people unite! (wattpadhornsandhalos)

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In the battle between angels and demons, the successor had been none. Both eventually came to form an alliance. In due time, the calm between them had calmed down. Except for one pair.

"You're basically a chicken with rapunzel-butt hair. What're you gaping your beak at?" A demon woman snapped back, fanning a hand by her nose.

A man in white robes clicked his tongue and squinted hard at the demon, "Look who's talking. Can barely flap those holed wings of yours now, can you? Such imperfection and impurity!"

"There is no such being who's as perfect as our lord Satan, thank you very much!"

"Only God is! He made everything, including your so-called perfect lord who cried his buttocks off just because God didn't allow him one feasible thing!"

"You dare speak about lord Satan this way, you fricking chicken?"

"Oh my. I didn't expect vassals to take after their lords at sensitive levels!"

Unsure what on earth happened as a snowshoe cat woke, the first thing rumbling to his hearing was the bickering of two unusual creatures near the clouds where he lay.

The last thing he remembered was resting his head on a maid's lap, and the next thing he knew, the fluffiest clouds carried him to a dreamland full of loud, annoying angels and demons.

Snow jumped off the cloud to find a different area to sleep in, casually prancing past the pair, arguing about their differences, imperfections, and superiority. But as soon as he did, the two went quiet.

Curiosity knocked on his ears at the tingling feeling of being stared at, so he stopped by the clearing and turned his head behind briefly. Staring at him with wide, sparkling eyes were what came over the angel and demon. And the more they slowly step close to Snow, the more his pace towards the forest fastened.

"Ack! You're scaring it, you chicken!" The demon woman hissed, putting an arm in front of the angel to stop him.

The angel pushed her aside. "Will you silent down? If it's scared of any of us, it's surely you and your hideous outfit!"

The demon growled lowly at the angel in response, who glared back, yet they stopped short and exchanged a knowing look. With a nod at one another and a reluctant handshake, a temporary, silent truce between them had been made in the face of a greater evil.

The difficult challenge to please a cat wary of them—to get their filthy hands on the perfect little creature's fur.

"Nothing is as perfect as a feline!" The demon woman whispered with lovestruck eyes as she peeked from behind trees, deep crimson eyes intently on the cat walking alone.

"Didn't you say your lord is perfect? How quick you are to change your beliefs."

"Aren't you the same? You technically imagine hugging the cat and feeding it every disgusting cuisine you enjoy."

"You-" The angel bit his tongue and focused on tiptoeing forward. "I admit it. I want to touch it... Because it's so elegant!"

"And perfect!"


The demon was about to retort, but the angel's serious expression as he pointed toward the snowshoe cat caught her off guard.

"Time to strike!" The angel whispered as he jumped out of the bushes and came face-to-face with the surprised cat.

Snow didn't move away, but the pair who bumped their shoulders against one another as they got close to him exuded an odd scent.

He sat tall and proud while the two stared at him and practically cried at his cuteness. The demon crawled on the grass and mimicked 'psh' sounds.

"Come here, little one. I got food for you." The angel on the other side said, pulling a cloth reeked of preserved fish meat from his belt.

"When did you-" The demon gritted her teeth. "Underhanded chicken!"

The angel flashed a smug smile but felt defeated when his coos didn't attract Snow, earning quiet snickers from the demon.

Snow had eaten only the most exquisite dishes since he came to the palace. Such tricks wouldn't get him warming up to such an obviously manipulative angel. The demon waving a little toy she formed from leaves also left no big desirable impact on Snow's pampered and spoiled playthings back in the castle in the form of gemstones.

He turned his back to walk away, hearing the defeated sighs and feeling the inflated presence from behind him. As he continued to walk further, they followed him as intently as before, but this time, without approaching him or arguing amongst themselves.

Soon, a cloud by the lake floated by. How nice the breeze would be as he slept on such a soft surface amidst the misty air from the lake and cool shades from canopies.

Snow reached the edge of the lake close to the cloud. With an internal sigh at the desperate company that froze when he turned towards them, he sat still and waited for them to make a move.

After about a minute, the demon and angel held out an open hand just a meter away from Snow, shoulder against shoulder, eyes glaring at each other for the same idea.

At their struggle to contain their squatting positions, Snow walked toward them and pawed both the tip of their fingers, catching their full attention.

Snow stared at them as they did to him, then they both blushed in glee as Snow pulled away and hopped to the cloud that later flew away.

A minute after closing his eyes, he woke up faced with a maid and his butler, sending sparks of lightning through their eyes, both holding onto the clothes Snow was supposed to wear to dinner.

"I will dress the young prince, sir." The maid insisted.

"No, I will." The butler squinted. "As I always have been doing."

Snow sighed and exchanged looks with another maid whose lap his head was on.

It seemed dreams truly were fragments of one's reality.

(956 WC)

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