4 - Wish rather not granted (mythandlegend)

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"I guarantee it will grant you the fortune you require for your plans."

"The catch?" Snow tilted his head at the mysterious stranger by the lake in one of his strolls after running off his guardians.

"Don't open it."

Fiddling with the small box on the balcony railings, the moonlight shone upon the silver stones etched around it. Such magnificence bringing fortune was a rarity and a blessing, but what was inside would've been the same as outside—a gold box adorned with silver gems mirroring Snow in various forms.

In the sentimental evening, Snow absentmindedly drew the lock and flipped the box open. He reached out to it and held it in his hands, only to find a tiny gold lamp inside. With one wipe on the shiny surface with a finger, it glowed until a puff of glittering white mist hosed out of it.

The smoke built up the same figure of the mysterious stranger from that morning, and he looked oddly expectant.

He sighed and crossed his arms. "Ur in name, a genie I am."

"Ur." Snow pointed a finger at him.

"Yes, that is my name, my liege." He bowed, then straightened with a serious face. "As you have rubbed the lamp of this genie, you are given one chance to wish for anything you so desire."

Snow tilted his head while Ur sighed again with slightly disappointed eyes.

"I gave this to you because I support you. In my vision, none of the older heirs to the throne bring justice to this land. But now that you have let your curiosity run you by...."

"Any wish?"

"Any wish, my liege." Ur raised one finger. "But it will be twisted in more ways than one. So what will it be?"

George Augustus, the late king, was assassinated, and no one but Snow knew. One of his utmost goals since infiltrating the royal court had all been the sake of being close to Augustus' quarters—to the late king's home. For the mild sense of closeness and presence; for the memories and love Snow lost that night Augustus had been killed.

Another of his plans had been to take advantage of the king's power in order to search far and wide for a way to resurrect Augustus. To feel his hands on his head, fingers on his back, and arms around him again, to feel Augustus' warmth against Snow just one more time.

With glistening eyes from threatening tears, Snow gritted his teeth and looked at the stars above.

Now comes the opportunity to revive his dear king in just a breath. But he would become twisted in unknown ways.

Snow slowly closed his eyes, sending one stray tear sliding down his chin. He breathed in deeply and met Ur's purple eyes.

"Turn this box," Snow raised the box. "Into an absolutely normal box."

With a little chuckle, the genie called forth his powers and bid farewell. The box stayed the same but with no lamp inside. Instead, the floor of it contained the design of a golden lamp. Whatever the twist of this wish would be, Snow felt it'd be better than his real wish.

He shut the box close and stared back at the night stars and the cold, blue moon that offered his stray feelings a small sense of home.

Snow smiled, allowing tears to fall to his bare feet continuously. With one huff, he turned his back and pushed the balcony doors closed.

For his desires to be twisted in ways he wouldn't know, it was a wish he'd rather not come true—a wish that would never be granted.

(582 WC)

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