Laurens adventure

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Lauren watched as the two women swayed their hips to the music and the rhythm

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Lauren watched as the two women swayed their hips to the music and the rhythm. They were a beautiful couple dancing together, one with a hand on the other woman's ass. The woman in the green dress looked familiar. She looked to be in shape, with a full figure and a pleasant smile. The two were kissing passionately and when they pulled away Lauren instantly recognised them. She tried to hide her shock by covering her face with her hair. She knew where she was after all.

A private members club for rich and high profile celebrities. It was for them - people who couldn't take a step without being photographed, those who were followed by paparazzi and had to have security. Some were lesser known than others but all had a lot to lose if things ever got out, especially on a night like this. Hence it had a strict no phones or cameras policy, on top of the many documents they made you sign before you could even enter. This wasn't the first surprising pair Lauren had seen in there and it probably wouldn't be the last.

But they were definitely the most famous and it surprised her to see them being at the ladies only night. The walls were decorated with sex toys, and the servers were in various states of undress. People danced provocatively on poles and some were full on having sex in the club. The toys around were mainly decorative but all fully functional as Lauren had found out her first time here when she accidentally dropped a vibrator in her drink causing the alcohol to splash everywhere. There were private rooms as well but she had never been in those, usually too shy to actually do anything.

The couple looked to really be enjoying each other, with each glance they shared thick with chemistry. Weren't they both in relationships with men? One had a husband and they both had kids. But, this was probably what they got off on, the shock of people discovering this about them. Lauren couldn't pass up this opportunity any longer so she walked over to them as casually as possible. The two looked at each other with a glint in their eyes then looked toward Lauren, eyeing her up and down. They seemed to share a knowing look and when she asked if she could join them for a dance and they said sure.

"You look like you're having fun," she told them with a small wink.

"We are!" the younger one said. "This is our first time here."

"It's nice to meet you both, " She blushed wondering if she was being too formal.

The couple introduced themselves as Beyoncé and Rihanna. She knew who they were of course but followed their lead and introduced herself as well. It was fascinating to see the two there, in this environment. It was so different to anything she knew to expect of them, but they were performers so it wasn't too far out.

They had all dressed as if they were going to a regular nightclub - no latex, no chokers, nothing to hide their identities. Had they been anywhere else, they would have stood out. However, Beyoncé and Rihanna were always going to stand out in a crowd. The three made small talk before Lauren asked "Where did you guys come from?"

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