5. Storm

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Author Note: Don't curse me.... Let some tears out for Pete....

Next day as usual I prepared snacks for Vegas and went to football ground but I couldn't saw him. So, I asked phi kinn "Phi where is Vegas?"

Phi looked anxiety "Nong he went abroad for his studies he won't come here anymore"

"WHAT!!!????" why he didn't tell me anything I am about to cry

"Nong don't cry na please understand him his pa asked him to study in abroad if he don't go he will punish him so only he went to study." Phi tried to comfort me

"But you said he will never comeback" I stat cry.

"Pete please don't cry if anyone see they will report me that I'm bulling you" yes I can't get trouble to phi I hardly control my tears.

"He will come back to me right we have to celebrate his birthday and anniversary in 4 months." I asked him with full hope.

"Nong he can't even comeback with his holidays I don't even know how many years it will take to him to come back"

"But....But he has his home here so he will come back for that right na phi" I hope I will see him.

"Nong please stop cry and don't try to find him just forget about him." ha no

"You are very bad you told me to forget my Vegas I won't talk to you anymore Vegas will come for me you are a bad phi" I yelled and run to my class and cry like a river. Again, teacher infirmed ma and she come and pick me up.

I don't even try to stop cry I don't answer any question of my pa on that day. I refused to go school. Lilly try to comfort me but I cried .......after 2 days of cry I stopped crying and said everything to my ma.

She didn't even let me alone for a second pa also always beside me.

"Sweety remember what Vegas told you last day you meet him." I nodded "He said he hate cry boy right so are you going to be a cry boy." Ma asked me yes Vegas told me not to cry and not to be stubborn and not to disappoint him so he will come for me right until I have to be a good boy.

Ma explained to me everything and I agreed to go school and wait for him to come back.

I went to foot ball ground like every day but I couldn't find phi kinn or phi nop I want to tell sorry to phi kinn but I can't find him.

So, I asked some other seniors and they said they also changed their school but no one know where. Again, my heart broke into pieces. My only hope is Vegas friends but I can't even contact them anymore.

When I comeback to home I said everything to my ma she comforts me. After that I always sleep with my ma. I'm afraid to sleep alone.


Days passed months passed but I'm waiting for Vegas.

Today is his birthday and our first anniversary. I bought a cake for him and I bring the bracelet with me  which I already bought for him.

I waited for him without eating. Afternoon ma come to me

"Sweety, I bought snacks for you. How long are you gonna sit here" Ma asked me with concern.

"Till midnight me I don't want to miss a chance to see him." ma hummed and she also sit with me when I cried, she comforts me. In evening pa also come he also sit with me they are my everything they support me whatever I do. So, I have to be strong for them.

We waited till midnight there is no signal to Vegas come. So, we went back home and I had a fever next day. My ma secretly cried I know that. So, I took a decision to hide my feeling for my parents so that they can be happy.

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