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Ned isn't having a good day at all.

First, the carriage breaks down and he's forced to walk on foot. Not that he complained too much about that, he was made for the outdoors after all.

Second, he loses his companion in the dense woods and wanders around in circles for who knows how long.

Third, he meets a pretty girl in a simple homespun with loose curling dark hair in said woods and thinks she's from one of the brothels in town and tells her so.

Fourth, he angers said girl, Lanie Fraser of Fraser's Ridge apparently, with his observation and she holds a sharp dagger to his throat, her eerie slanted gold eyes staring right into his soul.

Fifth, they exchange some words, she lets him go and thankfully puts her dagger away, he goes back on his word, Barnaby appears out of the woods, Lanie gets shot.

Sixth, a tall boy hears the commotion and for a second, Ned thinks he's on their side, but then he takes one look at Lanie on the ground, gritting her teeth from the pain and trying to ignore the blood staining her sleeve, and turns to Ned and Barnaby and is seething mad.

"What the hell did you do to my little sister?" Tall boy asks dangerously and Ned notices that they've got to be around the same age before the tone makes him freeze.

Ned hears Lanie call out to her brother, to which he responds that she's going to be okay as long as she stays awake.

Ned tries to explain himself to "Willie" but the boy's attention is back on his sister when she passes out from the pain.

Remorse fills Ned's gut but he squashes it down, but everything goes dark in a split second.

Which brings Ned to his last point.

"Where the hell am I and why am I tied to a chair?"

Lanie of the Ridge: An Outlander StoryWhere stories live. Discover now