[Chapter Sixteen] 🔞

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Author's Note: I checked back on previous chapters and the heist was supposed to happen today in universe,
December 20th, but that didn't add up timeline wise as this chapter and last occur on the 20th. So I basically just retconned it and the heist is now taking place the 21st. Which is probably gonna be the next chapter. Stories nearly over, what ever could happen next‼️⁉️


The Aragon Theater had certainly seen better days. Hell, the entire borough of Park Row had seen better days but after the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne the place caught a bad reputation and quickly fell into the newfound stereotypes. It got so bad the entire area was now known as Crime Alley, these days it wasn't as bad but even I would be on high alert whenever hear at night.

I had already made my way inside and the place was a dump, years of neglect had left the paint patchy, the reinforcements weak, and various pipes were propped out of the walls, some still pouring out bits of water. Stacks was with his crew of eight guys, they were all standing around an unmarked white van atop the stage of the theater. Something told me Kai was inside and another part of me wanted to drop down and take on all the Vipers but I controlled myself. I couldn't risk missing the chance of Mask actually showing up, if I could kill Stacks and Black Mask together I could stop the ongoing war while preventing another from starting. The thugs stood around just talking shit for a little bit before the sound of several footsteps began echoing throughout the building.

"Good to see you gentlemen in good spirits!" Greeted one of the men who had entered.

"Aye, who the fuck is you? We were supposed to meet the Mask here!" One of the Vipers asked.

"Zip it!" Stacks ordered. "I apologize for him, he doesn't know when to be quiet sometimes... But I gotta say, I was told Mask would be here personally. Who exactly are you?"

"Associates." The man dryly said. "The boss wanted to make it but certain things came up and that was no longer a possibility. I assume a man in your position is aware of the countless headaches of the job."

"Fine, if that's what it is then whatever, but I still want a real meeting between us." Stacks grumbled.

"I'll make the man aware and see when he's available. He's very pleased to have made allies with your gang," Yeah, he was feeding them shit, I doubted he was even gonna get the request back to Mask. "Time for business, yes? Where is the man of the hour!"

Stacks motioned to the van and three of his guys moved to slide open the door and lift Kai out. He was strapped down to a chair, had tape on his mouth, but other than that seemed fine.

"Excellent!" The leader of Mask's squad nodded and one of their member handed over a briefcase to the Vipers. "Now, about the issue of the Red Hood. As you know we currently have five million for him dead, and ten million alive, we-"

"Trust me, he's no issue. Look, we know how he thinks, how he moves, and we got a good idea on what he's planning." Aye, good for you Stacks! They try and feed you bullshit, you go and feed-'em dog shit right back! "We'll take care of the Hood soon enough, until then get our money ready and you best keep an eye on that kid! He's a slippery lil' fuck,"

"Right... well if your crew handled it, I'm sure we'll manage just fine," Stacks wasn't the brightest but even he picked up on the diss. The Vipers looked around at each other for confirmation before all pulling their guns out.

"Fuck is that supposed to mean!" One of them barked out. See, now you've done it. I hated comparing myself to these lowlives but guys like us took words of disrespect to heart and once we wanted you dead for it, your best bet was to run.

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