[Chapter Twelve]

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Author's Note: It's been foreverrrr, I'm not necessarily "back" but I wanted to at least update.

I accelerated towards the corner, my turn nearing by the second. My Hellcat was uneven on one side which caused a reoccurring "bump" sound at my high speed.

"Other wheels gonna give!" Kai called out. I stayed on track and spun my steering wheel towards the sharp right turn.

Unfortunately, I didn't have nearly enough traction on just three wheels so instead of drifting smoothly past the street corner, we flipped and spun in the air a couple of times before the car grinded to a stop on it's hood. My head felt like it was imploding but it was still attached, so I'll take my victories where I can get them, I reached over and nudged Kai but he didn't even move.

"Kai!" I started shaking his body and he weakly murmured something before rolling his body over. I took a deep breath and used my remaining strength to release us from our seatbelts and push the door open so we could roll out. The black coupe grew near but I focused on pulling Kai's body behind the car, before realizing I didn't have my guns. I could barely stand right now, let alone fight hand to hand. They pulled over and a mysterious figure stepped out of the car.

"Well, what exactly do we have here? Yikes, hey kid, you're not lookin' too good," I took a deep breath but it seemed like even the air was like knives to my chest

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"Well, what exactly do we have here? Yikes, hey kid, you're not lookin' too good," I took a deep breath but it seemed like even the air was like knives to my chest.

"You here to kill me?"

"That all depends on you champ. See, I got this whole thing with a coin but with how you're halfway in the grave we'll skip it." A sharp pain in my side forced me to drop to my knees and I started coughing. "... I remember your car at the scene of a very bad day in my life. The day they turned me into this, the day they took her from me. I wanna know why that is."

"Fuck! Harvey? You're Harvey Dent!?" I caught my breath and stood back up but Harvey aimed his Tommy gun directly at me.

"It's Two-Face, NOT MOTHERFUCKIN', GODDAMN HARVEY DENT... you and your friend killed him in that hellhole."

"Harv- Two-Face, I swear to God we had nothing to do with that shit, remember! We were trying to save you-"

"Stop messing with my head! First those mob greaseballs, then the clown, now you! All you scum do is lie and cheat... Regardless, all men deserve a fair chance. Try and tell me why I shouldn't shred you down,"

"I didn't kill your Rachel, Harvey! I had no beef with you, go ask your kid we were there to help," Two Face's unburned face seemed to drop as he paused for a second.

"My God. I gotta daughter..." He stumbled backwards like he was losing control, then began holding his head, the dead veins on his face beginning to pulsate. "Jesus, I gotta find my kid!" His voice had completely dropped back to dorky ole Dent and he ran to his car.

I was relieved that was all it took to get him off me but I still had major problems, I felt good to drive but one of my ribs was definitely fractured. I walked over to Kai and attempted to lift him back in the car but my chest wasn't going for it.

"Kai! You gotta wake up, need you right now," I started shaking him aggressively and he slowly opened his eyes. "You good?"

"... Fuck... feel like shit but I'm fine."

"C'mon, we both need a hospital,"


Harley Quinn POV

The meeting between the crime bosses was finally over and I was relieved. They talked for maybe 30 minutes about splitting profits, locations, all while Ivy struggled to even look at me. I mean, it's one thing to to not call or text, but to act like I don't even exist anymore was just hurtful. I mean, what the fuck was her problem?

The Kingpins and their goons began pouring out of the Iceberg Lounge and only Black Mask, Joker, Ivy, and me remained.

"Great. Now they're all gone, we can actually have a serious conversation, yes?" Mask began.

"Agreed. First things first, I want my Harley."

"Done." Mask motioned to his man, and they released me from my cuffs. I hesitated a bit but Joker beckoned me in with his finger. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him. He's my first, and my favorite puddin', also unlike some men, he can get his woman back when she's taken from him.

I sat next to him and immediately rested my head on his lap, Joker started running his hand through my hair which always put me at ease.
"So. Seems you've gotten quite a large promotion recently," Joker said.

"That's right. Like you said, the ball just kept on rollin' without you. Big shoes to fill, I know, but a couple billion in a few years tells me we're doing something right. Shit, better even." Mask replied.

"Billions? See, that's the problem, all you people are still so blinded, but I see clearly now that Gotham deserves a better class of criminal. It was never about the money!" Joker shot back.

"Never about the- Ha! Joker, you know what, you are a fuckin' funny guy!" He paused and waited for Joker to respond but he just stared back. "I figure we're done here."

"Wait!-" I called out when I noticed Ivy following them out. "I wanna talk to Ivy." Mask looked over at her and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, make it quick! Me and her got business to attend to," Ivy wouldn't budge so I walked over to her.

"Did I do somethin' to ya? Why have you been so distant-"

"Harley, this really isn't a good time to talk-"

"So when is!? We haven't spoke- We haven't SEEN each other in how long?" Ivy pulled me in close.

"F/n and I- I'm sorry, Harley," I pushed her away but held on to her arms, looking into her eyes, I only saw disappointment and guilt. My hand ran across her face.

"Oh! C'mon, that's uncalled for!" Masks men came over to grab Ivy and I went back to Joker, untouched. "Let's go!" His entourage disappeared and I was finally alone with Joker.

"Something happen between you too?"

"Nothin'. Don't worry... I just don't want to see her no more," My thoughts quickly jumped from Ivy to
F/n. I was done with him, I had to be with Joker again, I could never leave him, but if F/n does come for me he would only be endangering himself...

"Harley! Woman, are you even listening to me!" Joker shout out.

"Huh- Oh! I'm sorry, what were you saying puddin?"

"... I assume the ole gang isn't what it used to be so I need you to get the word out our crew is back in action! But it's gotta be quite Harls, I don't want Batman finding out just yet. I've been cooking up something special just for Bats." He stood up and spun me around in dance before lightly dipping me. "I've missed you, Harley." I stared into his Emerald eyes and it hit me how much I had longed for him, memories of us together, plotting and scheming countless elaborate plans through the day and night.

"I love you, baby. Please, never leave me again." He kissed me and picked me bridal style, carrying me back upstairs.

"Never again. Now let me give you want you've been missing," He flirted.

"Oh, Puddin', definitely missed revving up his Harley~" He gave a slightly crazy laugh as we ascended to be alone.

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