IDK what to name this

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Hello! I'm just boreded. I'm waiting for everyone to be done their finals so I can just go home!  Well, by the time I update thus I will be at home. I don't have none Wi-Fi here. I just reread Sazzy's 2 facebook book and I am feeling more like myself. WHY CANT SCHOOL JUST BE OVER! Then everything can be happy fluffy nutella llamacorns again. I'm tired. I have stayed up late. My fangirl urges have taken over and I am watching Fairy Tail every night till like 11. ITS SO GOOD I CANT STOP!

I'm still bored. School is over at 11:30. AND ITS ONLY 10:35! I don't think I can hold out much longer!  I'm going to die of boredom! GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD! ACK!

Nope.  Crap.  Didn't work. I wish we could just leave when we were done. I mean come on. Everyone is pretty much done. I JUST WANNA GO HOME! And why can't it be sunny? I just want to swim!  I literally have my swimsuit in my backpack!



This one is from last year's finals. i was done my last final of the day and was waiting for school to get out.


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