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Wednesdays and Thursdays were Rain's worst days. Every single slot on her timetable was blocked up and she was currently by her locker, Mal next to her as they collect things for their respective next classes.

"And then-" Evie is stood between them, relaying Etiquette Class to Mal.

A loud, fake laugh breaks through the quiet chatter in the hallway, interrupting Evie and Rain looks up, finding Audrey with her boyfriend and Chad.

"Those kids are trouble." Chad points to Rain and she quickly hides behind the locker door.

"Bye guys," Evie makes a swift exit.

"Bye," Rain mutters, her eyes trained on Chad, Mal echoes her response.

"Come on, Chad. Give them a chance."

"Oh. No offence, Bennybear, but you're just too trusting," Rain pretends to read her History textbook as she listens in "Look, I know your mom fell in love with a big nasty beast who turned out to be a prince."

"Audrey don-" Ben tries to interject

"But with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy. That girl's mother," she points to Mal "And that girl's mother," Audrey points to Rain "Is a witch! A monster who kidnapped Queen Rapunzel, how do you think Ruby feels rooming with her?!"

"Ruby only speaks highly of Rain," Ben sighs "And the Isle Kids aren't the ones throwing a fit in the middle of the hallway," he looks at her pointedly and turns, walking towards Rain and Mal "Hey!"

"Hi," They both slam their lockers and Rain's eyes widen at the close proximity between her and Ben.

"You look pretty, Rain - uh nice, cool?" he stutters a bit and turns around to see if Audrey is gone.

"Thanks," Rain grins

"How's your first week going?"

"Super," Mal answers but sarcasm is dripping off her words, Rain laughs slightly under her breath.

Ben gestures to Mal's locker, it says 'Long Live Evil', coated in spray paint "You know, you could always think about taking this talent off the locker and into art class. I could, uh, sign you up. What do you think?" Jane scurries past and Mal's attention shifts.

"Way to take all the fun out of it." Mal drawls and then taps Rain's shoulder "I'm gonna head off, okay?"

"Yeah," Rain smiles at her, giving her a wink Ben can't see, and she watches Mal follow Jane into the bathrooms. Ben is still inches away from her, looking down.

"Was that a History of Auradon book you were reading?" he asks, genuinely curious

"Mhm, it's the only class I have you in, gotta keep you on your toes," Ben blushes and laughs awkwardly

"I saw you at Tourney practice yesterday,"

"Yeah! I had a free so thought I'd watch for Jay and Carlos,"

"I saw you two talking afterwards yeah, is there anything y'know...going on there?"

"What?" Rain stares blankly at him

"I was just wondering if you guys date on the isle?" he's bright red now

"Oh! Yes...Well no but yes," Ben raises an eyebrow "Yes people date but not me and Jay," Rain laughs "In fact if that ever does happen you have full permission to send me back to my mother," she snorts and walks off

"See you tomorrow?!"

"Yep! History of Magic, period one, back row!"

"I'll save you a seat!" Ben grins and sighs as he watches her go towards the art corridor.

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