Chapter 14

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(HELLO I'VE RETURNED FROM THE DEAD sorry for not updating life's been hella busy, here's some ratld continuation!)

Woah, where am I? Pangu? Pranee? Amba? Jagan?"

Raya went full fangirl mode and immediately clasped her hands above her head, "OH MIGHTY SISU!"

"Who's that?" The large snaky figure did a three sixty turn, its tail forcefully sweeped Raya off her gaping stance, she yelped as the hit flipped her upside down, her cloak fell over her head.

The figure finally emerged from the mist, revealing a furry sky blue dragon with a mane of luscious blue, purple and pink streaks of hair. Her deep ocean coloured eyes were looking around in confusion, "Hello?"

Raya gave a muffled yelp of acknowledgment, the dragon looked down at the human below her with her butt in the air and barefoot. Sisu immediately picked her up and exclaimed, "Oh! Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there, heheh. Just a little bit dusty, not too bad—" Sisu patted the dust off the princess upside down and looked more carefully at the woman.

Raya was still in a state of shock, she said in disbelief, "You. Are. Sisu?"

And now Sisu seemed to register that Raya was human, "And you're, people." Then her mind clicked, if humans still existed that means, "—that means it worked!" Sisu immediately ran around the room excitedly, still holding Raya, "You heard that Pangu? It worked! It worked!" She held up Raya like a doll by the arms, "I didn't mess up!" Then Sisu caught a whiff of something.

Abruptly, she dropped Raya, Raya had the second time she was yeeted onto the ground. Sisu made a bee dive for her satchel, "Is that food?"

Before Raya could even react, the dragon flipped open her bag and picked out a piece of Raya's jerky, "I was so busy saving the world I forgot to have breakfast today!" The dragon chewed off a bite and immediately winced, but tried to cover it up, "What's this delicious culinary treat?"

Raya felt embarrassed, after all, it was kinda bad. "It's jackfruit jerky. I...dried it myself." Honestly the jerky was from Talon, but to make it last longer, Raya dried them to make them more...preserved.

Sisu threw the jerky over her shoulder, Raya dreaded what she needed to tell the young dragon, "Um, Sisu? There's some...things I need to catch you up on."

The dragon looked up, "Oh yeah?"



Sisu paced around the room in frustration rambling while Raya feared if she was going to turn into Raya-kebab, "Oh this is bad. This is really really  bad. I've been asleep for 500 years. You brought back the Druun—" and the one thing that hit Sisu hard, "—and none of my sisters and brothers came back?" She turned, "Why didn't they come back?"

Raya saw the hurt in Sisu's eyes, but she really didn't know, "I-I don't know..."

Sisu was baffled, "And you broke the gem!"

"I still have quite a big chunk of it though," Raya tried to find an excuse, holding up the glowing piece of gem.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Sisu shot back with a rather accurate example, "if you lost a puppy, and I said "oH wE sTiLL hAVe a biG chUnK oF iT!" Will that make you feel better?"

Raya thought that was true, plus she didn't want to get back a large chunk of Tuktuk if she offended the dragon, or seeing a large remaining chunk of herself on the ground.

She tried, "Can't you just make another one?"

"No! I can't just make another one!"

All hopes of saving Kumandra were lost, Raya stared crestfallen at Sisu, who went on, "You know how when you're in a group project and there's that one kid who doesn't do anything but still gets the same grade?"

Sisu paused, "I didn't actually make the gem--" she picked the piece that Raya left on the ground, it looked like a tiny piece of glowing glass in her fingers compared to pretty large in Raya's hand--"I just, turned it in."

As soon as she touched the piece, the heart of the crystal glowed a warm blue, as if Sisu switched on a light. The glow spread from the gem to the fingertips of Sisu's fur, and spread across her body like a wave, illuminating the patterns on the young dragon's fur and tail. Raya's eyes widened in amazement, "Woah. You're...glowing."

But Sisu seemed unaware. Her mood switched back to it's snarky sass and she said, "Oh thank you! I actually use river slime and aloe to keep up with--" Raya cut her off, gesturing Sisu to look down, plus she didn't want to know more about the dragon's skincare, "No- you're glowing, like literally!"

The dragon gasped, "WOAH woah" she checked her arms and belly, her whole body was glowing. "This--this is my little sister Alba's magic!" she yelped excitedly, "I got the glow!!"

Raya said breathlessly in wonder, like a little girl again, "Dragon's can do that?!"

"Every dragon has a unique power," Sisu explained.

"Okay then what's yours?"

Sisu beamed proudly, "I'm, a very strong swimmer."

Raya registered this, "Just now, when you touched the gem, it gave you this reaction. That means you're still connected to them, and that means if we get the other pieces and--"

Sisu's mind clicked and they said in unison,"piece them together and boom the Druun away!"

Raya asked wistfully, "And being my Ba back?"

Sisu held up the glowing gem, a determined sparkle on her huge purple eyes, "And bring all of Kumandra back."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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