Chapter 4

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As promised, Namaari comes in :)


"Is everyone safe?" Chief Virana asked General Attitaya.

"Yes, your majesty, the people are now all in the palace, we have to plan what to do next to make sure the Druun doesn't come in," the grim looking general replied, still gripping tightly to her sword. Chief Virana nodded and turned to her 12 year old daughter. Young Namaari looked at her mother, she felt happy she completed her mission of tricking Raya to get the dragon gem, but deep down, a sickening guilt began to build up in her heart.

"My little morning mist, you did well. Don't worry about what is going to happen. You are safe, now go to your room and I'll come later to say good night okay?" Her mother smiled at her. "Yes Mother," Namaari said softly, and walked to her room.

Namaari looked at her room, everything was still the same, her bed neatly done, her study table clean with not a speck of dust on it. Namaari is particular on how things are arranged in her room, she likes neat, but never formal clothes.

She sat on her bed, her hands touching her chest, the place where her pendant had been. I didn't mean for any of this to happen Raya, I just wanted to help Fang... Namaari never wanted to betray Raya, she saw Raya as a funny and kind, badass girl. We have so much in common too, she smiled when she recalled Raya spotting her pendant the first few minutes they interacted.

"Hey Namaari, I'm Raya. *Gasp* Is that Sisu?"

"Sorry uh. I'm am pretty much of a dragon nerd."

"Hey I'm the one that is wearing the Sisu fan necklace."

And I had to kick her, she sulked. Namaari didn't think of the gem breaking into pieces, but at least now Fang's got one piece.

She looked out at her open window, and wondered what Raya was thinking of her now, what is she doing, will she ever forgive me?

She should be safe with her Ba, she consoled herself. Deep down, she would never want Raya to get hurt anymore, by her.

But she didn't know, Raya's Ba, is gone, torn away from Raya.

If I trusted that binturi again, I am most likely gonna get betrayed again, Raya thought angrily as she looked all over the place for something related to Sisu. The scroll she translated said you must have either one or two items of the spirit you want to find. She doesn't want to take the pendant, it felt stupid to her to carry an item she got from an enemy. Another option was the dragon scroll Namaari showed her, it still lay there in the ballroom, beside the plate of rice.

Raya had a tug of war going on in her mind, she needed things to represent Sisu, but she also doesn't want to take a binturi's things, it just made her look weak and helpless. All this while, Tuk tuk is still nibbling on the bedsheets, looking at his owner for an answer.

But Raya had a feeling that she never felt before for those items, it was like she wanted them. I only have Tuk tuk now, no one else, and Namaari was once my friend too, wait a minute. NO. She was never my- Urghhhhh, Raya tried getting that thought off her mind. A little voice said back, So do you MISS her Raya?

Raya literally exploded, "GODDAMN NO!!!!! I would NEVER miss her, and WHY should I?!!!"

"Sheesh I really have to learn how keep my emotions under control," she whispered to herself and smacked her forehead. "Okay Tuk tuk, we got everything, lets get outta here, you got your food ready?" She asked Tuk tuk gently, pursing her lips.

Tuk tuk ignored her outburst just now and nodded happily, relived that his owner's fragile emotions wasn't out of control. He wiggled his body, trying to adjust the little cloth bag on his back, and rolled over to Raya.

Raya looked at her room for one last time, and saw the glint of gold from the pendant, she stared at it. You want it, it is the only thing that can accompany you other than Tuk tuk, the tiny voice whispered.

She finally sighed, walked over and picked up the pendant, and checked for any dents. Luckily, there were none, the golden pendant shone in the sunlight, with its blue gem centre casting brilliant blue ripples of light on the walls. Raya got anther piece of red cloth, and placed the pendant inside, wrapped the pendant closed, then put it in her pocket.

She was now wearing casual clothing, blue patterned dhoti pants, and a bajau kedah with sleeves that reaches her elbows. Her sling bag now hung on her shoulder, and her hair still braided and stuck with the hair ring on the end.

On her way out, she walked past the dragon scroll, she sighed again and swept down to pick it up, and tucked it on the side pocket of her bag.

"Goodbye," Raya whispered and went out of the gates.

She opened the map, pointed to the first river they were going. "North east. There are two river ends there."

Namaari woke up at six in the morning, rubbing her eyes. Morning was Muay Thai kickboxing training, then breakfast. She slowly got out of her queen sized bed and pulled on her training clothes, a brown strapped top with black tights.

It was just like any other day, following the same routine. Training, studying, training, studying. The only time she could do whatever she liked was for a short while after meals, or when she is done with work for the day. After she finished changing, she stooped down beside her baby serlot and gently shook it awake, "Come on, time to wake up."

The baby serlot stretched and yawned, even her pet has training, Namaari's serlot is supposed to be trained into her steed, but now it was too small, so they were just slowly training its strength.

Today though, Namaari felt moodier than usual, something prodded her to do the things the things she was supposed to do. She couldn't focus entirely on training, and she missed a hit three times. Politics wasn't her likes, and today she wasn't even listening to her teacher.

The only thing that is keeping her this distracted was because the voice kept repeating in her mind: Does Raya forgive me for breaking the world? And her trust towards to me?

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