Return (Part 1)

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It had grown dark early. The air in Arles was icy at this time of year, when spring was hard to come by after a harsh winter.

Damen had draped a blanket of raw wool over his shoulders, secured with the golden lion pendant, as he made his way astride to the training area rather than the main entrance of the Veretian palace.

Damen might never get used to the climate or Vere's clothes with all their tangled laces, knots, and eyelets, but his motivation was worth the effort. It always would be.

It had been more than a month since Laurent had come to Arles, after leaving Delpha to attend to some pending business at the capital's court, which he and Damianos in many ways despised for causing them so much trouble.

However, one of the central issues that had brought Laurent to Arles was the abolition of slavery, a project that had been carried out with Akielos and still met with great resistance in the traditional structure of society. Resistance not only from courtiers, but also from some Veretian pets who wondered how they would live from now on.

In recent months, Laurent was often seen surrounded by books of thinkers, sitting by the fire with brows drawn together, preparing to discuss the abolition of slavery with the Council.

Sometimes he would ask Damen to sit beside him and read a passage that had impressed him. After all, rings had already been banned throughout the kingdom, and that was a victory that made Laurent very happy. A small victory.

Galloping across the courtyard of the training arena, Damen finally reached the rear entrance of the palace and threw the reins of his horse to a servant. He dismounted on the sawdust-covered ground, quite far from the flogging post.

"Exalted!" - the bald servant greeted him with downcast eyes.

"Good evening, Tristan! Where is the King?"

"Your Majesty is in the meeting hall with the Council. Your entourage was not expected until tomorrow morning, Exalted. Shall I go and inform the King?"

"No. This is... a surprise. A birthday surprise. Don't tell him!" said Damen, blushing a little.

Laurent would be twenty-two the next day, and the eagerness to get to Arles quickly had led Damen to ride a whole night at the head of his troop, leaving his men behind in Barbin.

After more than a month's absence from Laurent, during which he had been attending to the affairs of Akielos, Damen felt homesick in his chest, for he was looking forward to seeing his Veretian beloved again.

When a herald delivered a letter from Laurent to him one morning, Damen had retreated to the edge of a stream and left his men waiting on the hillside while he read the parchment like a lovesick teenager.

Nikandros rolled his eyes and chatted with Pallas about the health of his horse Dydimos to kill time.

It was not necessarily a romantic letter. It was Laurent being Laurent in the language of Akielos. And that was exactly why Damen had smiled because it was as if he had a part of Laurent on a piece of paper.

'I know that you won't appear on your scheduled day. You abuse the liberties you take with the King of Vere, Damianos. But don't you dare be late. I'll be waiting for you.'

Captive Prince: The Execution of the Dead (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now