9. Do Your Best Class Prez!!

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It's currently night time. Ken right now is on his phone talking to his dad about his first training exercise.

"So you got named the MVP of your battle? Good job!!" Ben said to his son over the phone. "So, you made any new friends besides that Tokio kid?" Ben asked as he sat down on a chair.

"I did. There's this girl called Itsuka Kendo and there's my training partner, Izuku Midoriya." Ken replied as he sat on his bed. "Pretty sure I made an enemy today too." Ken added.

"Second day of high school and you're already making enemies?? Come on, kid..." Ben said in a disappointed tone.

"Come on, dad. That guy's a jerk!!" Ken tried to reason.

"Who is this guy?" Ben asked as he raised a brow.

"Katsuki Bakugo. This asshole and Izuku have quite the history." Ken replied.

"Let me guess, this guy is probably a bully or something." Ben assumed as he drank some water on his side of the call.

"Right. Ok I think I'm gonna head to sleep now..." Ken muttered as his eyes became heavy.

"Alright then. Oh and I think you'll be in for quite the shocking day tomorrow." Ben said playfully as he winked at his son.


"Don't worry about it. Sleep tight, kid." Ben said before leaving the call.

[The Next Day]

Ken walks up to the school from the dorms but upon arriving he is immediately by the media. Turns out ever since the news about All Might teaching in UA was made public, the media pressed at the main gates for days on end for a scoop much to the staff's dismay.

"What do you think of All Might as a teacher?" a reporter asked Ken as he tried to enter the campus.

However, Ken simply wasn't in the mood to answer any of the media's questions. So, he simply activates his Omnitrix, dials XLR8 and slams down on the dial and transforms into said alien and speeds away into the campus.

 So, he simply activates his Omnitrix, dials XLR8 and slams down on the dial and transforms into said alien and speeds away into the campus

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[At class]

"Hope you all have rested from yesterday's battle trial. Because I took the liberty of looking at your scores and evaluation." Aizawa stated with his usual tired voice. "Bakugo" the teacher called out making the ash blonde sit straight. "Stop acting like such a brat. You're only going to waste your talent that way."

"Yes sir." Katsuki grumbled under his breath.

"Midoriya. You need to work harder if you're to start using your quirk properly." Aizawa stated to the greenete who replied with the same answer as Katsuki. "And Tennyson, good job overall. Same goes for you Aoi." Aizawa stated to said students who replied with a thank you.

"Now let's get on with homeroom business. Today we'll be..." Aizawa started as the students got tensed thinking it's going to be another test. "...picking a class president." the erasure hero finished much to the class's relief. "But before we get started...Tennyson."

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