7. Criminals

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Destiny's P.O.V.

The day I had killed Jeremy, I stabbed him right in his chest, right in that cold ass evil ass heart of his.

There's absolutely no way in hell he could've survived THAT.

Not to mention being thrown in the lake sometime afterwords. Even if he somehow wasn't dead before and just unconscious, being drowned to the bottom of the lake should've definitely finished him for sure. And I knew that.

So, I honestly have no idea what made me think that the random guy that had pulled me into the bathroom with him that night was Jeremy.

Like I said, I must've really been tripping on them drugs.

"Jeremy, I'm so sorry!! I've never meant to hurt you that day, I just wanted you to stop hitting me!!" I exclaim, lying my ass of.

I mean, I DID want him to stop hitting me, but I had one hundred percent meant to hurt him. I had hated him just that much.

The only reason I'm saying all those things now is because I want to buy myself some time to try and reach the small knife I have tucked away in my bra.

"Bitch, who the fuck is Jeremy?!" An unfamiliar voice chuckles.

I blink a few times and my eyes refocus.

I see some dude I've never seen before in my life.

"Who are you?!" I exclaim incredulously.

"Don't worry about all that bitch, I just thought you looked fine as fuck, so I figured we'd have some fun together," the completely random man states.


God, I hate men sometimes!!

"Yo, Destiny, where your ass at?!" Marshall's voice from outside the bathroom door.

The random ass dude that's got me trapped gets distracted for one second, one second only, and that's all it takes for me to finally pull that knife out of my bra. I stab him. It lands somewhere at his upper shoulder. I then pull the knife out and run out as fast as I can, crashing straight into Marshall's chest.

"Yo, what the fuck?!" He mutters, stealing me. "Baby, if you wanted me so badly, all you had to do was..."

"Marshall!!" I exclaim with urgency in my voice. "There's some random motherfucker there that tried to..."

Just then, the dude I stabbed stumbles out of the bathroom, barely able to walk.

Marshall stares him down curiously at first, but the expression on his face hardens slowly as he realizes the context of the situation.

He grabs me and pulls me to stand right in front of him.

"That asshole there touched you, Destiny?"

"No, because I fucking stabbed him."

"That's my girl," Marshall then smirks and pulls out a gun.

I know it's not actually his, one of his boys let him borrow it. Marshall prefers knives. And his fists. He aimes the gun at this random dude though and he squeezes the trigger.

The shot rings out loudly.

And I can't believe he just did this...

Hours later quite literally running from the club after the crowd in there has gone wild hearing the gunshots, Marshall and I lay cuddling in the small guest room in Denaun's couch where he's letting us crush for the time being.

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