3. Playing House With A Psychotic Killer

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Destiny's P.O.V.

And this seriously has become my life from now on.

Playing house with a psychotic killer and his kid is... strange.

Yep, that would be the best word to describe it.

Marshall seems like a great father to his little girl. He takes care of everything she might want or need, and frankly, I don't understand why he needs me around at all. But maybe he's just lonely. Like... as a man. I mean, he did say he needed a new wife.

So, I had managed to escape from my abusive ex, Jeremy's clutches... only to end up at the mercy of a guy that's even crazier.

On that first night, I remember asking Marshall, "So would you... expect me to perform marital duties with you as well?" I was being sarcastic as hell against my better judgment, but deciding to keep my thoughts about not being great with kids to myself, because he might just off me once he learns that little detail about me.

I watched his face as he contemplated my question, staring me up and down, frankly making me uncomfortable as hell.

I mean, I suppose having sex with him couldn't be the worse thing in the world. He wasn't bad looking. Like at all. He's... quite handsome, actually.

I never had a thing for white boys before, but I could make an exception for him. He's got really pretty eyes, like the cutest shade of blue. His features are pleasing to look at, his freckles are kind of cute. I don't know why he feels the need to bleach his hair, especially since he clearly doesn't understand how to tone it correctly as it is way too yellow. Then again, it was working for him, in a really weird way, like it was just so... him. Plus, he has a really nice built, his arms are so muscular, his abs are so defined, he appears to be in a great shape. Like I said before, he probably works out on the regular. Oh, and once again, those eyes!!

Maybe I wouldn't mind screwing him at all, I decided to myself.

Just as I'm finished contemplating all that, Marshall shrugged.

"I won't touch you. Not until you want me to," he stated sort of emotionlessly again, then settled in bed next to me. "Now, go to sleep. I'm tired as shit."

As it turns out, that day comes sooner than I had thought.

The day when I actually wanted him to.

At that point, it's been like 2 weeks since I've been staying here with Marshall and his daughter at their house.

I don't get tied up to chairs anymore, but I'm definitely a prisoner here. As in, I can't leave.

The first week, Marshall didn't trust me at all, he was on me like white on rice and he apparently took a whole week off of work (he works at some power plant or something), pretending to be sick in the worst way, just so he could stay at the house and watch me like a hawk.

It was annoying but I quickly learned to get along with him. And Hailie.

Which, by the way, despite my initial doubts about her, she actually isn't that bad. For a kid. She's definitely not nearly as annoying as most kids. She might be a tad bit out of touch with reality because of the way Marshall brainwashed her about what's actually happened to her mom, and she might like to play too many weird ass games, but she is for the most part very well behaved.

She misses her mother though and sometimes she just breaks into tears because of this. After comforting her a few times, we grew somewhat closer. She seems to trust me more now and I've been pretty much taking care of things like dressing her and doing her hair for her, since Marshall has no clue about those things, being a guy and all.

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