Do 4 Love

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As Fatima gets the rest of her things and put them in the car and looks at up at the sky and closes her eyes.

Brittany:(Fatima sister) Hey sis
Fatima: Hey sis
Brittany; Its okay your gone be okay.....

(Fatima looks back at her place that she sold and gets in the car and drives to Atlanta)

A few hours past and Fatima pulls up at her new place that she purchase her friend Angela pulls up and gets out of the car.

Angela: Hey boo how are you?
(Fatima hugs her tight)
Fatima: Hey sis I missed you
Angela: I'm glad you decided to move back here
Fatima: I just need a fresh new start you know
Angela: You did I'm glad I been begging you to move to Atlanta let's go to the club tonight
Fatima: Angela I got to unpack
Angela: Ugh Fatima come on it's Bryan birthday
Fatima: Fine bitch I will come
Angela: Good come on I will help put them boxes out the car (they unpack Fatima Range Rover and go inside)

Fatima: (looks at Angela) You did this?
Angela: Yes I did for my best friend (she hugs her) I love you Ti come on you been thru alot
Fatima:(she starts to cry) I have been thru alot sis thanks
Angela: Your welcome sisssy (Fatima goes into her room and takes a shower and looks into her closet Angela had everything organized everything to the Tee for her bestfriend Fatima smiled to herself)

45 minutes laters Fatima walked out the room and Angela snapped her fingers.

Angela: That's my bitch go ahead girl
Fatima: Thanks Angela let's go (they get in the ride share and start jamming)

Are you a man who loves, and cherishes, and cares for me?
(Is that you? Is that you? Is that you?)
Or are you a guard in a prison of maximum security?
(Is that you? Is that you? Is that you?)
Do we stay home all the time, 'cause you want me all to yourself?
(Is that you? Is that you? Is that you?)
Or am I locked away out of fear that I'll find someone else?
(Is that you? Is that you?)
Well I don't like
Living under your spotlight
Just because you think I might
Find somebody worthy
Oh I don't like
Living under your spotlight
Maybe if you treat me right
You won't have to worry

Fatima and Angela pull up to the club and they walk inside and the club is packed men and young boys try to pull on Fatima arm Angela tells them get the Fuck on.....

Angela: (her and Fatima walk up to VIP) Hey baby
Bryan this is Fatima my best friend
Fatima: Hey Bryan
Bryan: Hey Fatima Angela always talks about you welcome to my party
Fatima: Thanks for having me
Bryan: Let me introduce you to my people this is my brother and best friend Preston and John... (Zac walks up)
Zac: Man it's hot I'm about to go outside and cool off
John: Maybe you need some water
Zac: I may do (he looks up and sees Fatima)
Preston: Zac man stop staring at that girl
Fatima: I am not a girl I am a women Angela let's dance
Zac: (they walk away) Man who is that?
Bryan: Angela best friend
John; She is bad
Zac: She is I got to holler at that
John: Nawl she was looking at me
Preston; I'm pretty sure none of you have a chance (Danni walks up)
Danni: Where is Angela?
Bryan; Hey Danni
Danni; Hey where is Angela (he points to the floor)

Bryan; Have fun drinks on me
Danni; Yeah I will (she goes to the floor and Angela introduces her to Fatima)
Fatima: Nice to meet you
Danni: Same here (the ladies dance and drink and have fun later on that night they go to get something to eat and Zac keeps looking at Fatima)
John: (looks at Zac) So Fatima
Fatima: Yes?
John: Are you new to Atalanta?
Fatima: No I use to live here but I moved away and I just moved back
John: That's good you moved back so I can get to know you
Fatima: Oh you definitely wasting your time
Bryan; Forgive my brother man chill she don't want you
Zac: Yeah she might want me
Fatima: No I'm good on relationships I'm here to work and not for guys that are with the games
Zac: Oh I ain't on no games
Fatima: Well I'm not interested in dating anyone right now let's eat
Angela: What she said period.

They order and eat then Fatima gets back to her place and puts on her music she pours herself a glass of wine. After 30 minutes she takes a shower and rolls her hair up and goes to bed the next day she gets up and brushes her teeth and gets ready for work. She pulls up at the studio and goes inside and sees Zac. He walks up to her and smiles and she smiles back and Angela walks up.

Angela: Hey boo
Fatima: Hey boo he works here?
Angela: I thought you was not interested
Fatima: No I was just asking
Angela: He is your new boss
Fatima: Oh shit
Angela; Yeah come on we got go see the new artist we signed Major he is recording his new single
Fatima: Oh I heard of him
Angela: Good don't make me look bad best friend a lot girls love Zac but I'm be here to tell you don't
Fatima: I don't want him
Angela: Yeah right you was looking at him and that three piece suit was all in your eyes
Fatima: I mean he fine but he ain't all that
Angela: Mhmmmm okay girl

(They walk inside the studio and hear Major singing Why I love you and Fatima looks at him and Zac walks up to her)

Zac: Fatima
Fatima; Yes?
Zac: Let me introduce you to your new client
(Paula walks up)
Paula: I got your coffee Mr. Taylor
Zac: Thank you please give it to our new reap Fatima Wilson she is gone make sure our new client is gone get a Grammy
Paula: Ummm I thought Major was my client
Zac: He was but I want to see what our new employee Fatima Wilson can do
Paula: Excuse me
Zac; Your excused matter of fact go make sure that Fatima new office is set up and Angela follow me please Fatima don't let me down (he leans in and let's her smell his cologne) Your bestie Angela said you would not disappoint me so don't make me look bad.

Zac walks away and Angela looks at Fatima and she looks at her and Fatima walks over to Major.

Major: Hey Ms. Wilson
Fatima: Hey Mr. Major
Major: No just Major
Fatima: And just Fatima please don't put a Ms. let's sit and talk about your music
Major: Sounds like a plan to me

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