Chapter 1

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Background of the Study

    The ROTC has existed for a long time, a government program that prepares youth for military service and to be part of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Reserve Force. This reserve force is expected to fill the demands of the army in case of war or disaster. (Gallaza, 2019)

   According to Raposas (2016), Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) is one of the three program components of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) which focuses on military training and preparedness for national defence. The program in particular is directed to prepare the youth, which by contemporary definitions, are aged 15-24 to inculcate the values of patriotism, nationalism, and character building.

   In the study of Jepoyo (2017), he states that Military training for the youth is rooted from the Spanish period (Filipino Historian, 2016). When the colonial government drafted a native contingent to reinforce the armed forces. One significant draft was during the British invasion of Manila in 1762. ROTC would become an optional program in 2001 with the National Service Training Program Act (Republic Act 9163). This was after the “crisis” caused by the death of a UST ROTC member, Mark Chua, in the same year. As with the pattern once employed by Marcos, NSTP divides national service into three components: Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Military training (ROTC).

     Fifteen years later, with the presidency of Rodrigo Duterte, ROTC is making a comeback with advocates wanting it to be restored as a mandatory program. And on July 05, 2015, House Bill No. 1114 was passed by the Congress. Signed by Hon. Gary C. Alejano, this act shall be known as an act to re-institutionalize the mandatory military and civic reserve officers' training corps (ROTC) for students in all colleges, universities and technical or vocational schools. (Lingcodo, 2020)

    According to the 1978 CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF PHILIPPINES ARTICLE II, SECTION XII, the State recognizes the important role of youth in the development of the country and must promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social welfare.

    In this study, the main focus was be the stand in ROTC Program of SHS students in Palguyod National High School S.Y. 2022-2023

     In general, ROTC is indeed acceptable since there are a number of benefits with the program's restoration. The objectives being forwarded by ROTC are the following: 1. Prepare the SHS students for possible service in the event of emergency; 2. Train and develop the ROTC cadets as future enlisted reservists for the Reserve Component of the Armed Forces of the Philippines; 3. Inculcate in the youth the spirit of patriotism and nationalism; develop and promote the physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being of the youth; 4. Train and develop the youth as potential community leaders, and 5. Develop civic consciousness and good citizenship among the youth. (Tongol, 2018)

Statement of the Problem

      This study was intended to determine the stand of SHS students on ROTC of Palguyod National High School during the academic year 2022-2023

      Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the students profile in terms of:

(a) Sex

(b) Age

(c) Occupation of Parents

(d) Ailment

2. What is the Stand of female SHS students and the stand of male SHS students on ROTC?

3. What is the general Stand of a SHS students on ROTC?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

      The respondents of the study are the Senior High School students of Palguyod National High School S.Y 2022-2023 who were chosen by Stratified Random Sampling.

     The study focused on the Students' Stand on ROTC.

Significance of the Study

      This study aimed to identify the Stand of Senior High School Students in implementing the mandatory ROTC.

      The conceptualization of this study is significant, for it will benefit the following person/entities:

      Students. It will add and raise awareness for the senior high school students that can lead them to be prepared for the implementation of the mandatory ROTC program.

     Teachers. This study will assist them to comprehend the stand of their students about implementing mandatory ROTC in SHS students.

     Parents. This study would help the parents as they would be aware of what ROTC is.

     Future Researcher. It will provide them and attribute knowledge and learnings about the mandatory ROTC.

Definition of Terms

     For the purpose of clarification, the important terms used in this study have been defined conceptually and operationally.

     Housekeeper is a person employed to perform cleaning and other domestic tasks in a hotel or institution. 

      Mandatory means a required order or law which is compulsory for the students.

     Military Training is a requirement of the ROTC program that a student should comply with.

     National Service Training Program is a law  that was enacted in 2001. The ROTC program is one of its components.

      OFW  a person from the Philippines who is living and working in another country, typically on a temporary basis. 

      Reserve Officers is a group of officers formed for military education in the program ROTC.

     Reserve Officers' Training Corps is one of the components of NSTP that will be implemented nationwide.

     Senior High School public and private schools in SHS will be having this kind of program.

      Senior High School Students are the students who are in grade 11 and 12 and are the target respondents in conducting the research.

     Skilled Worker is any worker who has special skill, training, knowledge which they can then apply to their work. Examples of formal educated skilled labour include engineers, scientists, doctors and teachers. 

     Stand refers to an attitude toward a particular issue. It is the observation of the Senior High School Students regarding the ROTC program. 

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