Resting Bitch Face

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"Good LORD how many more are there?! Fuck!" You cursed, just barely dodging the sharp edge of a katana.

After weeks of plotting you thought you finally had a clear chance to escape from captivity in the Flower Capital, but apparently the guards had other plans against your run for freedom. One of them must've seen you slip away and then sent the whole damn guard after you. So much for your plan to slip away quietly and find Kid. As badly as you wanted to see your captain again, you would be no good as a pile of rotting flesh. Dipping and dodging, you fought back with your own katana in hand, slaying most of the guards that got too close to you. Just when you thought you had them all though, three more popped up and took advantage of your dropped guard, making you freeze up in an attempt to figure a way out of the surprise pincer move. Just when you figured you were done for, an all too familiar hum of metal rang through the air and all the guard's katana flew out of their hands, turning on them and impaling them all cleanly. Only one man you knew could pull off a move like that, and you whipped around to see exactly who you had hoped to see.

"Kid!!" You exclaimed, shoulders releasing tension as you sheathed your katana and ran over. "And Killer too! I've been looking all over for you!"

"Hah. Looks like we found you instead. Though I thought I taught you better. Letting your guard down definitely wasn't part of the training I gave you." Kid replied, crossing his arms with a smirk.

"Oh yeah? And I thought getting jailed in a high security prison wasn't part of the plan." You shot back, making him wince. "I heard it all from people in the capital."

"... Touché." Kid mumbled.

"Exactly." You smirked, stepping closer to give him a good punch to the shoulder. "No matter though. We're here now! Took me long enough to find you too. That most certainly wasn't part of the plan either."

"To be fair, I don't think anything went according to plan from the moment we got split up." Killer pointed out.

"You've got a point. I didn't think I'd find you this soon honestly. I'm glad you guys ended up together! Makes regrouping to kick some ass a lot easier." You nodded. "By the way Killer, I see you were forced into eating a smile fruit. I'm... sorry it came down to that."

"How can you be so sure I was forced?" He asked.

"You're not that dumb, It must've been some sort of life or death situation kind of shit." You replied. "Plus, you look absolutely pissed about it."

This made him laugh -as if he had any other choice- impressed by your perceptive ability. "Wow. You're right. They said they'd spare Kid if I ate it, so I did. But how can you tell I'm so pissed? You know, with this face and whatnot?"

"I've sailed with you for literal years. What kind of friend would I be if I couldn't tell how you really felt? This is just opposite to Kid anyway." You said proudly.

"And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Kid piped up, eyeing you threateningly.

"Your resting bitch face has taught me how to detect your emotions that you hide behind it." You snorted. "Sometimes you look like a right cunt, but you'll really be as happy as can be."

Kid began fuming immediately as his face turned as red as his own hair. You and Killer began cackling, completely cracked up from the back handed joke you just made.

"Good to know that communication won't be an issue between us then!" Killer said, calming down from his laughing fit.

"Of course! Though I must say... I think I pissed off the jail baby. He looks legitimately pissy now." You snickered.

Out of nowhere you found yourself suddenly pinned to a nearby tree, a mass of metal keeping you against it by your shoulders. Kid's face was mere inches from yours, and his good hand gripped at the bark next to your head as he stared menacingly into your eyes.

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