In all possible lives

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Decades ago, it was believed that if a person died and they had a partner, the partner had to sacrifice themselves and die alongside their loved one in order to find each other in their other lives and have a real and lasting love.

Single Chapter

The day that Boss was fired from his job, he had bad luck and thought his day was going to end badly. After being fired, he wanted to go back home, but to his surprise, his car tire happened to get damaged at that moment. It took him a long time to change the damaged tire for a spare one, it was even raining heavily, but in the midst of that thunderous rain, an angel in human form appeared, who held an umbrella for him while he worked comfortably.

He had only turned to see him when he stopped feeling the rain falling on him, and he smiled at him, the guy smiled back, and he did his best not to delay. Once he finished, he put his things in the trunk, and when he was free from his materials and had cleaned his hands a little, he went to thank the boy, but he was nowhere to be found, he felt disappointed. From that day on, Boss couldn't stop thinking about him and begged the universe for another chance to find him.

Three months had passed since then, and during that time Boss had met a businessman from a good family who had become his best friend and had offered him a job. Boss remained quite focused, although at first he couldn't deny that it was complicated because he didn't have much idea of how to handle customers and guide them to make a purchase of some product from the company. There was a little bit of everything, but he focused more on guiding people to buy vehicles.

In the first few weeks, he didn't make many sales, and things weren't going very well for him, but as the days went by, he gained confidence and the service he provided was very good. On a cloudy October 2nd, not much was happening when at 1:57 pm, shortly after eating, he saw the most beautiful person his eyes had ever seen walk in. He felt his stomach churn the food he had recently eaten. It was the guy who had protected him from the thunderous rain, but now he was thinner and his hair was no longer jet black but blonde, yet he still looked beautiful.

He saw that his colleague had intentions of attending to him, but he was not going to allow it. It had to be him. He was ready to ask him to please let him take care of him, but he felt happy when the guy told him that he wanted to be attended to by him and not the woman. He fixed his hair a bit and tried to relax. "Let it be what God wants," he said in his mind.

-Hello, good afternoon, welcome to Trofi Company, we're here to assist you. I'm Boss Chaikamon, and I'll be your guide today- he said hurriedly, he was very nervous, the young man's gaze was too intimidating, and he looked so pretty.

-Nice to meet you Chaikamon, I'm Noeul Nuttarat, and thank you, I'll be delighted to have you as my guide. I'm currently looking to buy a car. What are the latest models?- Noeul asked, before watching as Boss took some brochures and folders.

-Follow me Noeul, it will be a pleasant afternoon- Boss replied. About 2 hours had passed when Boss had guided Noeul through the new car models and successfully closed a sale. Noeul had taken the latest model from the company, and Fort would be proud of him for achieving what no one else had done yet.

-Sorry in advance, I don't want to be nosy, but I'm really curious- Boss mentioned. Noeul was attentive to whatever Boss was going to say or ask. -What do you do? It's just that in all the time I've been working here, it's the first time someone has bought the latest model at its original price. They're very expensive- Boss said. Noeul just smiled and wanted to play a little with Boss.

-Guess what? What do you think?- Noeul asked playfully, and forgive the jet black-haired guy, but his mind was already spinning with many scenes of the blonde guy acting very flirtatious, and he even imagined him close to him and seducing him. "Oh my God, Chaikamon, you must be sick" he reproached himself inwardly.

BossNoeul Oneshots - By Stigmanie (EV)Where stories live. Discover now