April 30, 1996

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Dear diary,

I hate Lisa! she's not my best friend anymore! she was jealous of the spongebob doll that mum gave me for my birthday and threw it in the dirty river beside our house. I tried to reach for it but it just flowed further away. Eric tried to save spongebob but even his long arms weren't able to.

I will never talk to Lisa again, Eric will be my new best friend.

By the way, do you know what  a Ho is? I heard our neighbor Petra who sells fish say that my mum is one. They had a fight so i guess we won't be able to buy fish from that lady from now on. I asked mum what that word meant but she said that it's a bad word and i should not know what it means and i should not call any one else a Ho.

But i so hate Lisa right now, I feel like calling her a HO!

Whatever that means.



Diary of a porn star: April 14,1996Where stories live. Discover now